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Headphone Stand

I decided to design and build some headphone stands for myself and my friends. It started out with pencil and paper sketching, then it transitioned to a cardboard out-out model, and now I finished the project. I used SolidsWorks to model it and then I transferred it to MasterCam to plan the CNC routing.
I am using 3/4 inch wood board and stacking 4 of them on top of each other. The center 2 pieces will have through holes and the out 2 pieces will only have holes cut 1/2 inch in. Then dowel rods and wood glue will be used to make sure the outside faces are nice and pretty.

May 24, 2020
The stand looks fabulous. I loved the design and the color.
Nov 10, 2019
Looks damn good too
Feb 10, 2019
Very nice. You designed, bult, and finished it yourself. This is "hand craftsmanship" and there is nothing better. I did the same. I can't imagine paying for a headphone stand.
Dec 30, 2018
If you lengthened the space at the "waist" of the stand, you could have a built in cord wrap!
Moonman0922I own the HD58X and SHP9500. Since they have removable cords, I wrap them up and keep them in the hole of the stand
Apr 28, 2018
ill take one in black please.
Mar 4, 2018
No offense, but those are somewhat less attractive than I'd be willing to live with--though I applaud your efforts and craftsmanship. In my opinion, a stand should be functional, but much less obtrusive. Ideally, it should disappear once the headphones are mounted, yet still be stable enough to support them without being prone to tipping. "Know what ah mean, Vern?"
RayFI catch your drift. What do you think a good headphone stand looks like?
Mar 4, 2018
erickongWell I suppose it needs a weighted, wide-ish base to keep a heavier set of headphones from toppling over when you load it up. The support arm should be narrow and stylish (could be sort of playful looking), and high enough to keep the ear pads from making contact with the base. Might also have a way to add a double-sided option to support two pairs. The other thing I'd consider is a good way to deal with the cables, no need to have a nice roost for the cans, only to have the cables dragging on the floor or tabletop. Combining that last bit is the real challenge. UPDATE: some months later I found this stand on Amazon for less than twenty bucks (maybe around ten bucks). The obvious advantage is that its double-sided and therefore supports two headphones in the space normally taken up by one set. Saves money, saves space ;- )

Dec 13, 2017
I give you tree fiddy for one!
Feb 14, 2018
namhodI aint givin you no headphone stand you god damn loch ness monster!
Dec 4, 2017
Kinda looks like plywood in that shot. Are those mill marks or is it made of some nice ply? I've always liked good void free ply edges when finished well.
On that note, a multi-ply block of hardwood laminate (1/2" plies maybe?) would be cool too. Alternating maple and walnut would be awesome... and sort of expensive. Maybe that's why I've never bothered to finish that knife handle...
ProfessorPatits plywood. sorry for the potato quality picture but after I get one assembled with some finish I will get some beauty shots
Very nice!
Nov 27, 2017
Looks great. One suggestion if it's not already in the works. Make the base have a flat board to support tilting or accidental taps to stop from knocking it over. My headphones have a metal band and plates, a little heavy, not bad but I know it would easily fall sideways if touched. Otherwise, nice one and bring it on! Get to production scale! :D
Time for assembly. I posted a picture below on Duncan's post
BrainFlushAnother photo has been uploaded to the original post :D
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