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Got 2 units with no issues and could only replicate stabilizer issue once


Jul 14, 2022
If this keyboard(green and black) shows up and has trash stabilizer's, like some have said, I will be getting a refund!!! You can go look in my post about their mechanical key cap subscription service b******t, tricking everyone into paying monthly so they can get rid of extra cap sets and modifiers they can't sell or didn't sell or are refurbished. I am so disappointed in what used to be a decent company!
Sep 14, 2022
XenogearSo did you get a refund?
Sep 26, 2022
KeyboardPapiUnfortunately by the time I got to a place where I could order the refurbished ones were sold out. I went ahead with a Q3(it'll make you question every expensive keyboard you see!) and now I'm thinking of getting into something similar to a drop TKL for my dad's office use. He's 75yo going on 40 and I built him a full modded wtvr the step up from a red dragon tier TKL is with rgb for eyesight. Take out speed silver's(accidental presses way much!), Tape and mod pcb, fix clip in's, loaded it with kinetic Labs salmons and used t1's for the mods starfish(any box Akko shows how other switches are way overpriced imo!) and a heavy franken switch 70g salmon for the space bar, throw some old glor aura caps on and he's in love with it! I was blown away when he asked "did you do something to my keyboard it feels really good?" After I filmed and lubed the salmon's after "borrowing it to check something" and he could tell they just "felt more consistent"! If someone who poo poo things like that can tell the difference but can barely tell the difference between a t1 and a kiwi I think we're all a guilty of huffing copium in this hobby at any level we're at! Sorry for the long response I just wanted to assure you that you can build something very cheap it feels really nice but you can buy something really expensive but feels very cheap! I loved massdrop, but now we have two generations of humans alive including most of their parents who don't know how monies operate and don't understand this interest check group by model is a literal zero risk all reward business model. They're basically using Wall Street pump and dump tactics on all of us enthusiasts. I find it funny everyday I check C³Equalz site and they always have tangies and kiwis stock! If that doesn't tell you only the hype switches are popular I don't know what will! There's the longest comment ever left as a reply. My apologies for my autistic retardation. Relational autodidactic memory is a curse! Keep in mind and remind your friends that anodization and powder coating is like a $5 difference when they're getting these $500 group buy board's. It makes me sad as someone who's adept in material science and manufacturing to see people being fleeced on the price of different colors and coatings. Very similar to how my dad who used to paint for Cessna in the '60s told me upon looking at some of nacho customs keyboards "you have to really work at it to paint something so little and have that much Orange Peel on your final product. Is she using enamel or is that base coat clear coat?". Once I told him it was base coat\clear coat the glorious computer gmmk pro they gave to that guy on LTT just looks pathetic. Now that I've pointed that out go look at that keyboard and see if you can see the orange peel! Sorry it took so long I've been avoiding drop after the "give us $100 and we'll give you these GMK sets nobody wants" mystery boxes. I'm not on discord but I haven't seen many people opening them and showing how amazing they were for the value 🤷🏼‍♂️✌️

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