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My Work In Progress Battlestation!

3 tagged products
Hey guys, my name is Jonny and I’m a setup / tech based content creator! I recently moved house and this is my new work in progress setup! When it comes to my setups, I always go for a mix of functionality and aesthetics. It’s great to have a functional setup but if it doesn’t look good then I’m not interested! Choosing what gear I have in my setup depends a lot on those exact factors. I need my gear to suit it’s purpose but I also want it to feel like it matches my vibe and looks great! If I was to go through and find my most frivolous addition to my battlestation, it would have to be the Drop Carina custom keyboard. I definitely didn’t need to go as all out on it as I did, but I definitely DID need to!! One thing that I didn’t think would be as handy as it turned out to be is the light bar above my monitor. I used to think they were just a gimmick but I’ve been absolutely loving it since I added it to the setup. Follow @spuddgaming on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube. (edit: added social media handles)
(Edited by moderator Jyri_Drop)

Jun 14, 2023
Super clean and nice use of minimal splashes of color! I like it a lot! So many think those light bars are overrated, but imo they are absolutely essential 💯
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