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What is the chance of getting a proper UNIX layout (like Sun Type 7 UNIX)? I would pay the premium to keep this key layout.



Nov 21, 2023
I would be leaping on a TKL with a full UNIX layout -- as shown, backspace above return, `~ and \| above backspace, Control in the right place. L-keys could be a separate module (half a Falcon-20 would be fine), R-Keys/keypad could be on an external keypad (more or less). Hot-swappable switches would be a bonus. Backlighting optional (I don't have shine-thru caps -- can't get SA shine thru, and the Oblotzky/Oblivion ASCII sets are grand!; wish I could get an Ebony/Ivory ASCII set!)...
May 31, 2023
My wallet would jump out of my pocket if I could get a keyboard like that. That would be the last, most important thing I need for my contemporary "workstation".
Mar 28, 2022
I know that a colleague has one in another location that is usb, but it is a 5 series, in windows it does not recognize the additional function keys, however in QMK there is the keymap with all the functional keys, here the link. I know he hasn't set it up yet, it might help
Mar 17, 2022
So strange it has separate cut, copy and paste button. But I DO love that it has a "props" button to give props on demand to anyone
Mar 16, 2022
You should consider a kinesis freestyle edge, or an apex, or a whitefox.
Feb 22, 2022
I recently found a couple of Model Ms that I had packed away many years ago. I got them working with a PS/2 to USB adapter, also many recent motherboards started adding the old PS/2 port back, like my MSI X570-A Pro. I forgot just how huge, heavy and roomy these things were, and it was fun typing on them again, but wow, they are LOUD to type on, so loud that it would wake my wife up two rooms away from my office and overall it was pretty distracting to anyone else in the house who is trying to watch TV or concentrate on anything. So yeah, while I enjoyed the nostalgia, in the end I went back to my much quieter modern day keyboard.
Feb 14, 2022
60-65% boards are all the rage, not these battleships, such a pity. That’s why I hold onto my model M and Fs and my old apple keyboards.
Dec 14, 2021
Man, have not used one of those in nearly 15 years! Honestly I'd just go ebay a usb version of that keyboard if you have the din-8 version. seems like it would work? ( no f'n clue this is me being your personal google search ;) ) I'd bet you can do it. Check Adafruit I'm pretty sure Lady Ada made a convertor box for the next keyboard with an arduino.
Dec 1, 2021
@meekjt I'm curious — On these Sun UNIX layout boards, since the Esc key is to the left of the "1" — what is the key between "Help" and "F1"? It's unlabeled in your picture.
Dec 1, 2021
obaptisteIt is a blank key, for reals! Unfortunately, the driver for Windows doesn't see it (or the multimedia keys in the top right) but Linux can be programmed to use it for whatever.
Mar 29, 2022
cbettsCannon Keys sells a NicePBT "Type 6" keyset you might be interested in! It even has caps for "Help", "Stop", "Props" etc. I use Kinesis Freestyle Edge RGB that has a similar "fun cluster" of ten 1u keys with a 2u key on top. Keebio also sells the Quefrency and Sinc keyboards with 2×5 left-hand key clusters. But I haven't seen anything yet that also has a numeric keypad.
Nov 29, 2021
I had many of those Sun keyboards but gave them up for Happy Hacking keyboards. Note that the Control key is in the correct location! I'm happy that my (2) Drop Alt, (2) Anne Pro 2, and (1) System76 Launch keyboards let me put Control where it is supposed to be (and was originally, even on IBM PC keyboards) but I would like to have properly labeled shine-through keycaps to replace the darn "Caps" keycap. In any case, I should have saved at least one of those Sun keyboards.
Nov 29, 2021
meekjtI have about ten of these Sun keyboards stashed but just wished they had a little more noise. I suppose I could change the layout a bit. I am used to having two keys in the upper right where Drop ony has one. I use tilde and pipe too much though. I also have a couple Happy Hacker keyboards but the Fn key requirement for the arrow keys bugged me. Does your custom layout follow the keyboard or is it configured at the computer? I have a KVM tied to mine and run four systems.
Dec 1, 2021
cbettsI have at least three types of Happy Hacking keyboards. The last version that I used had dedicated arrow keys which I also prefer at this point. Besides putting Control in the proper location, the other common modification I make is to specify an easy to reach key as F4 which I assign to ess-eval-region in Emacs to run R code. On the Drop Alts I make that be the lower left key. However I hit that accidentally a bit too often so, on the Launch, I have Fn+Lower Left be F4 although I use the physical F4 key most of the time. The Launch has a bunch of extra keys (including split spacebar) that I do not use effectively. I have three spaces and two backspaces. I also swapped Esc and tilde but am not sure that makes sense. A note on the Launch, it comes with non-shine through keycaps that look horrible in my environment so I am using Drop Skylight keycaps on it.
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