Are these fairly neutral headphones or are they "fun" headphones? From what I can gather, it seems as if it's mostly neutral except for a slight bump in the bass, but I am not sure based on some conflicting reviews.
DRaGZIve owned a pair for a few months, I'd say they are both neutral and fun at the same time, If you are concerned with bass I'll be delighted to inform you that it is largely based on the source audio how much you get, the passive radiator allow for an amplifying effect on bass so if you listen to hip hop you notice the bass more than on a more classical track that doesn't put much emphasis on it. I found the mids to be great and really present until a small region in either the low highs or high mids that felt really distant on some tracks, it was rare but there. Personally they are my favorite closed back for build quality and sound(very good soundstage btw). The only other issues I have is with 4+hrs of wear on my ears hurts so comfort for short term is great but long term can suffer a bit. If you have additional questions I'll be happy to answer! :)
MufflertapeInteresting, thank you very much for the insight. I'm looking for another affordable pair of closed back headphones that would be good for, saying, listening to a movie mix (I'm an editor), so I wondered if this would be good to add to my arsenal. For comparison, I I have heavily modded Sony MDR-7506 and the Status CB-1 as my go to for closed back mixing. These feel like they might be the ticket. I feel like the modded nature of the 7506 makes the bass more present but very slow and muddled, whereas the CB-1 sounds great all around, but I'd like another perspective.
DRaGZWell the sub bass will inherently have some harmonic distortion since it is using the passive radiator, the thing to keep in mind is to me it sounds thick but still retains detail, Tyll described it well in his review where its not unpleasant by any means, but is different. So I think of the bass being more speaker like may grant you different insight even, if nothing else they are a fun headphone for music movies and gaming as I've loved it for all tasks.
DRaGZHappy to help! :) Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I have, if you follow youtube reviewers I sent mine in to Josh Valour and a review should be in within a few weeks I would think so keep your eyes and ears pealed to hear another persons impressions of the very cans that shaped mine.