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52 requests
Product Description
The ADV. Sleeper Loop IEM is part of the brand’s sleep-focused line of audio products designed to provide a cozy mix of features perfect for late-night listening sessions Read More
I've shied away from wired headphones for sleeping in my current days. I tend to toss and turn in my sleep and have had many headphone jacks stop working on me. Nowadays, the dongles would alleviate some of the issues but instead you're risking damage to the charging/data port instead. At least back then if you broke the headphone port, the phone would still be functional.
It would be nice to get a version without assistant/audio controls. Having a lump on the wire is one thing, maybe you use it to tell which audio channel you're listening to easily, but if you're asleep, you don't need it and if you roll onto it you might raise the volume way too loud or trigger assistant, which might be louder sound than the quiet music/asmr you're listening to and jolt yourself awake.