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Showing 1 of 5034 conversations about:
Dec 6, 2014
when do we receive tracking numbers to see when they'll get here.
Dec 6, 2014
Dec 6, 2014
Dethstrokafter they're shipped from the warehouse, they're on the boat now.. next update was supposed to be when they get them in their warehouse I believe
quote from HassanS posted yesterday. "Quick update for those you who were able to secure one of the first 2000 units. These were shipped by the vendor and are currently on a ship waiting to dock at Newport Beach. Once the ship docks the group's order will need to undergo customs clearance. Based on the current news we are getting the dock is slightly backed up, but not nearly as much as it was a week or so prior to Black Friday.
We have already arranged a truck to pick up the order once it clears customs and will rush to get it into our warehouse ASAP. Our warehouse team is standing by ready to receive the orders and get them turned around very quickly once they arrive.
We will continue to coordinate the drop and update you all throughout the process. Thanks for participating and we can't wait to get these out to you all!
Expect an update from us on 12/10 or sooner if something comes up."
Dec 6, 2014
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