I haven't still received something that I have paid for on 25th of November 2014 and which supposedly was shipped on 18th of December.Haven't received an answer to my email in which I was asking more details about the package that was shipped 30 days ago. An package id, or serial number, anything that could help me find out where could my package be.I don't like to throw money away so hopefully this will be solved as soon as possible.PS: I am an international buyer and waiting for the package in Romania.
DaVinci7I was in the exact same situation as you are (international buyer, shipped Dec 16, arrived Jan 16 which is 31 days from date it shipped) and all I can say is that you'll sadly have to be patient. As international buyers, we get cheaper shipping at the expense of losing tracking so the time your package gets to you depends on how well your postal services are doing their job (obviously our postal services suck because it's taken more than 30 days for our package to arrive). Because we don't have tracking, we have absolutely NO means of knowing where our package is and have NO assurance that it will get to us, so I get where your anxiety is coming from. Sadly you, me, and Massdrop can't do anything about this as this is entirely in the hands of your local postal service provider, though I heard that Massdrop might add tracking as a checkout option so that we can both have a means to know where our package is and the assurance that it will get to us, as tracked packages can't easily be stolen by someone at the post office.
neiru37Thank you for the reply.The fact that the headphones might have been stolen by someone at the post office is exactly what I am afraid off. Hopefully I will not loose 215$ because of it.