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Feb 17, 2017
[Stickied] The K7XX FAQ As Audiophiles ourselves, we believe that headphone choice and sound perception are deeply personal. We understand that there will always be people who will not like the K7XX or do not agree with the design choices that have been influenced by the community. That being said, the K7XX is a set we are proud to recommend to newcomers and veterans alike. With over 11K posts and discussions, you can imagine that almost every question has been both asked and answered by the community. A big thank you goes out to all of the community members who, over the course of the past year, have been answering questions and clearing up misconceptions. Below are a few of the most common ones asked.
-------- What’s the quick summary of the K7XX? The idea and goal of the K7XX was to take the very best from across the AKG 700-series and create a definitive version designed by and for the audiophile community. Lastly, the goal was to offer this version at an incredible price to performance ratio. The following are a few of the key design features.
1. K702 65th Anniversary Edition Drivers: The K702 65th Anniversary Edition (“Annies”) drivers are considered by the audiophile community to be the best sounding driver in the 700-series family which was the reason it was selected for the K7XX.
2. Memory Foam Padding: Absent in the K701 and K702, the K7XX uses memory foam padding which was first introduced in the K702 65th Anniversary Edition. The impact of this choice is that the Annies and the K7XX maintain the same performance in the highs and mids that the 700-series are known for but with an improved 3dB bass increase.
3. Black Colorway: This one is new and unique to the K7XX and was a result of feedback from the Audiophile community during the design process. In general, there was a strong preference for a sleek all-black look. As project86 (a key contributor on Head-fi) puts it, “[the] K7XX is ninja black and gloriously free of any obnoxious accents. It's arguably the best looking variation in the history of the series.”
4. Same Build Quality & Manufacturing Process: The K7XX is built with the same quality and under the same manufacturing process as the rest of the 700-family. It’s made for audiophiles, and we know that everyone would expect no less.
-------- These seem to have a great price to performance ratio. Is it because the K7XX uses cheaper materials? No.
-------- Where are these manufactured? How is the quality? A common question that is asked is “where are these made?”. The entire 700-series family, including the K7XX, are produced in China. There is a misconception that AKG manufacturers their headphones in Austria and that there are still Austrian made 700-series available. As an additional point, even the K812 are now made in Slovakia (not Austria). But the broader point is around production processes, quality control, and manufacturing tolerances. These are all principles and concepts that are geographically agnostic and instead depend on the manufacturer and the factory who are the ones who make the decision either to be detailed-oriented or to cut corners. AKG has a history of being the former and has consistently delivered. Lastly, there is a 2-year warranty on the K7XX.
-------- Do you need an amp? The K7XX will work fine without an amp. That said, an amplifier, in general, serves to provide clean power and control of the headphone drivers to deliver sound. A supplemental amplifier may sound better than the one bundled in your phone, which is designed for long battery life or earbuds, for example. The AKG K7XX is not a headphone that is known for being especially "difficult to drive" (as they say). You may, however, find benefits in the characteristics of certain amplifiers and how they interact with your source and headphones. -------- Why is the MSRP “so high”? MSRP refers to the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price and is the price that the manufacturer recommends retailers sell the product. It does not mean the price that retailers will actually sell the product at and it does not mean the lowest price found online. While the last two examples may change based on sales and retailer pricing decisions, MSRP stays the same.
The MSRP for the K7XX reflects the MSRP of the K702 65th Anniversary Edition, the headphone that the K7XX can trace its ancestry too. -------- How do these compare to the other headphones? This is one we will expand on over the next week.
Feb 17, 2017
Feb 24, 2017
richardgaoThanks for the info
Feb 24, 2017
Feb 27, 2017
richardgaoSo, how do these compare to the other headphones ? :p
Feb 27, 2017
Feb 28, 2017
richardgaoYo yo yo yo. Just bought some - because I am an impulsive consumer with a taste for great audio things.
But perhaps do an analysis and comparison (as you state you will expand soon) to help encourage other, more rational decision-makers.
Feb 28, 2017
Mar 7, 2017
richardgaoIt beat my Hifiman HE 500..
Mar 7, 2017
Mar 8, 2017
tlewisgreenWorking on it :)
Mar 8, 2017
Mar 10, 2017
richardgaoI've heard that these are a little worse than the K712 Pro (which I have), but I must say that even a slightly worse version of these would be amazing. If you can't get the K712 for a comparable price, these sound like a great deal.
Mar 10, 2017
Mar 10, 2017
IlluminatiTriangleI have heard that the 12 has less bass, the xx has more bass. I suppose it's personal preference at that point. That's all hearsay though, as I've not tried either yet. My friend does have the k712s though, and I suppose I will be able to compare them with the K7xx on Wednesday ^^
Also the build quality is different IIRC, but they're still built well. (according to reviews, won't have mine until ~Wednesday)
Would agree, for the price they seem like a steal.
Mar 10, 2017
Mar 10, 2017
richardgaoBe careful labelling yourselves "Audiophiles" as the term carries with it an element of "disease." I am a professional recording engineer specializing in remote classical and jazz recording, but admittedly have a touch of the audiophile affliction. That being said; I do like good sounding HiFi gear but I don't have to have the latest bells and whistles either. The latest stuff is expensive and the gains are often minuscule when measured against their price. Being a long time fan of AKG headphones and microphones, I bought two sets of K7XXs, through past drops, to use as monitors, while recording. I also bought 2 sets of K550/K553 (same phone rebadged). Since I'm often forced to use phones when it's inconvenient to set up speakers, the K7XX are used when I am isolated from the sound source and the K553s, being closed backed, used when there is the threat of source leakage. These two phones are different but supply an accurate picture of what I'm recording and allow me to make adjustments based on what I hear. In either case both phones are a pleasure to listen to even when just for personal enjoyment.
Mar 10, 2017
Mar 11, 2017
richardgaoWill the red and black version be available for purchase anytime soon? I'm dying to get my hands on them.
Mar 11, 2017
Mar 20, 2017
AudioproHi, just wondering if the 712 would be better for Mixing? Thanks. I'm working on putting together a home studio and want the most neutral or flat phone as possible. Also I'm wondering about powered monitor speakers. I'm on a budget and was considering the Yamaha or jbl 5". Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Sidney Michelle
Mar 20, 2017
Mar 22, 2017
ElsidHi, Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. One thing to remember is that mixing on phones just about eliminates any acoustic room reference provided by speakers in a room. Of course it might be argued that a good deal of the listening done today is done through headphones. That being said, the AKG K712, like the K7XX are "open backed" designs and so tend to let in a small amount of the surrounding room. Since I do a lot of location classical recording I'm forced to use phones, and often have to mix right there on the spot. These days I try and do a multitrack back-up so I can revisit a mix later through my monitors in the studio. I'm always surprised at how different things sound when not relying on phones. By the same token I'm also surprised at how good a mix done with phones can sound when referencing through the right phones..., right for me. In the pro world, "translation" is the key word. In other words, how will it sound on a cross-section of systems, including phones and speakers? It's a given that human ears are all a little different, but do retain some general characteristics. With that in mind mixing on phones becomes a quite personal pursuit and so I can't say that any one headphone would be better than another.., you have to decide for yourself. I have used both the K712, and now my K7XX's. These phones are very close in response and I have garnered good results from both. The Massdrop price of the K7XX was so good that I could afford to have two pair with me, on location, so that both myself and the artist could hear the same thing when auditioning a playback of our recording. Hopefully my answer is not too wordy, or vague, to understand what I am trying to say?
Mar 22, 2017
Mar 25, 2017
richardgaoI've used the headphones almost daily for a few months now, and I am very, very happy with the purchase. They are detailed, fun without an artificial V shape, comfy, and have an incredible soundstage. The bass is rich and natural, the mids are sublime, and the highs are balanced so well with the rest. Highly recommended.
Mar 25, 2017
Mar 25, 2017
richardgaoI have got kind of a big problem with my order, could you please contact me asap? Thanks.
Mar 25, 2017
Mar 25, 2017
AudioproThanks, I really appreciate you. Happy recording!
Mar 25, 2017
Mar 26, 2017
richardgaoIf I knew that the MDxSenn HD6xx's wouldn't drop this year, I would order these instead. I just wish there was someway I could find out...
Mar 26, 2017
Mar 27, 2017
Critter...omg plz just tell!
Mar 27, 2017
Mar 27, 2017
CritterIf you are not obsessed with hd6xx think about monoprice m560 too, which sells for $200. I don't own one myself but reviews are really positive and people are comparing it with hd650; so should be good
Mar 27, 2017
Mar 28, 2017
tlewisgreenI guess the comparison isn't coming anytime too soon!
Well while I was waiting for mine to arrive I found these really great reviews, so thought I would share for any others interested in further reading: - - General reviews:
Personally I would give them a 9/10 overall. Having not listened enough to give more than a first impression. I am comparing to previously having a Sennheiser HD 555 which were amazing without an amp. But also my first HiFi experience.
The AKG are amazingly comfortable. But they do really require at least a little bit of amplification without sounding a little empty and weak.
I scored a very cheap EK10 from a local second hand online source (60NZD) and they are AMAZING with that. Audiophiles here may not agree, but I haven't tried a really high quality amp... Whenever I get that opportunity, I will be sure to come back and update this.
Happy shopping other random citizens!
Regards, One pretty satisfied customer
Mar 28, 2017
Mar 31, 2017
ElsidI do what I can to help others .., and it's nice to be appreciated. Upon re-reading your concerns I noticed that you also asked about "powered monitors?" In past years I've not been a big JBL fan, but the new crop of recent offerings, actually, sound pretty damn good. Truth is, you can, with continued use, get used to almost any set of monitors. Of course it's easier to accept a good pair of monitors over bad ones. JBLs are an American brand and, as such have been serving the pro community for decades. Yamaha burst upon the scene as the result of a well known engineer/mixer adapting them as his standard. The NS-10 was his choice as he felt that if he could get a mix to sound good on them.., it'd sound good anywhere. Well so much for philosophy.., but it would be great if you could audition them. If not, pick one and stick with it. Get to know what they do, and don't do. If you have any other problems returning to the world of listening to your system, and more importantly, your music feel free to contact me. Happy Mixing!
Mar 31, 2017
Apr 9, 2017
richardgaoWhen I get it, I intend to plug my K7XX to a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 as interface to a mac mini. Would that be a match and provide for the right amplification and digital to audio conversion? ...noob here!
Apr 9, 2017
Apr 9, 2017
AudioproWhen I get it, I intend to plug my K7XX to a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 as interface to a mac mini. Would that be a match and provide for the right amplification and digital to audio conversion? ...noob here!
Apr 9, 2017
Apr 9, 2017
dustie81Headphone amplification has been getting better with each generation of devices. But remember, to offersome devices at competitive prices some skimping must happen. In the past the headphone amp was the last thing to worry about and was often just an after thought or extra feature. Now days a lot of music work is being done through interfaces such as the Focusrite and customers are demanding better HP monitoring. Focusrite is a reputable manufacturer offering quality items at a good price. The only way you will know how good a match your K7XX and the Scarlett is, is to try it. I've used my K7XXs with many interfaces and so far so good. Also these built in amps are usually a single chip with limited output power so most Manufacturers, including AKG, offer phones with higher sensitivity to work better with these devices.
Apr 9, 2017
Apr 9, 2017
AudioproThanks! that is very reassuring because all I get to read are comments about other DAC/amp makes and models. I guess it was just the excitement that has built up over waiting for these cans and the Focusrite to arrive. I have been waiting for weeks to get both, hopefully in another week or so. I will let you know when I get to rig them up.
Apr 9, 2017
Apr 16, 2017
IlluminatiTriangleI owned the K712 when I received my pair of K7XX. Truly "blind" listening tests made over a month's time between my wife, our son and myself have the K7XX pegged as a blacked out version of the K712... they are virtually identical in build quality, weight, comfort, and most importantly, sound. At the very least it is my opinion that the two are far more alike than different. I sold the K712.
Apr 16, 2017
Apr 26, 2017
AudioproFriend, I just purchased the K553 pro, waiting on shipment, and I have a question: Since you own both, are the K553 pro that much "worse" than K7XX? Closed back and isolation aside, that is. I'm feeling a bit of buyer's remorse because I would have probably gone for these if I had waited a week.
Apr 26, 2017
Apr 26, 2017
masterlimbeNeither is "worse" than the other. They are different designs for different purposes from my perspective, and you can't ignore the "closed back" or "open back" issue. The claim is that the 553 is closed with an open like response. The K553s seem to require a bit of break-in time. The K7XX are open back and seem to be more ready for prime time right out of the box. The diaphragms are a different design with the K700 series being more compliant and seeming to require less break in. That being said both phones are excellent with the 553s being my go-to phone while recording out in the field. I have also tried them both for pure listening to music at home and there IS a difference, but it's just in the presentation, not the quality. As I've said before headphones are a "personal" choice and somewhat dependent on the electronics you are listening through.
Apr 26, 2017
Apr 26, 2017
OktyabrI own both K712 and 2 sets of K7XX. They are generally good phones and I agree with you very similar sounding. The one thing I noticed was slightly more bass response with the K7XX.., but they explain this in the drop info.
Apr 26, 2017
Apr 26, 2017
AudioproAh. This is an excellent response. The listening experience is usually subjective as everyone has different preferences. I don't think break-in will be a deal breaker for me, as long as the quality is good. Thank you, friend. Consider my qualms calmed.
Apr 26, 2017
Apr 27, 2017
trybeingarunI own both the 7xx and the m560, both great but different animals. 7xx represents better value, more comfortable, larger sound stage, and neutral. The m560 requires longer break in, stronger highs, heavier, question marks about quality of manufacturing.
Apr 27, 2017
Apr 27, 2017
d3m3dIs there anything specifically that bothers you about m560s build quality? I myself am a bit skeptical of k7xx's build quality. It rattles when I shake it and it doesn't give me an impression of being built to last a long time, though I will be happy to be proven wrong. As you said, for $200 it produces amazing sound and represents a great value.
Apr 27, 2017
Apr 27, 2017
trybeingarunMy m560 have been great so far, but there are a lot of comments and pictures of cracked wood and headband in various forums.
Apr 27, 2017
Apr 27, 2017
trybeingarunI don't know about you, but my pair feels really solid.
Apr 27, 2017
May 1, 2017
richardgaoHave to disagree on quality of material used compared to other akg's I have seen two different ones owned by my friends and both of them are disintegrating on the headbands and on the elastic tensioners that adjust the headbands, both headphones had these problems and both were under six months old and looked and felt terrible compared to all the other akgs we own that are all much older than six months don't want an argument with anybody but these headphones are not akg's by our standards
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44Can't argue on that as i only have one pair of AKGs. For me it's simple: if it doesn't hurt while it's on my head for long periods of time and if it's comfortable, i'm perfectly fine with it.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
masterlimbeBe happy you got the 553 these 7xx are no good I visited a friend a few days ago and saw two of these and I could honestly say I wouldn't put a 7xx near my other headphones
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44Stop. You're going into the bullshit side of things. Stop comparing two different headphones with different signatures. The K7XXs are comparable to the K712s if you want to take it like that. They sound incredible and no, i don't say that because oh my God, they're my first headphones. No. Heard a load of different headphones and the K7XXs are amazing, as the whole internet is saying.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
nRaduI didn't compare them out of the want to do it I was answering somebody's question but if your butt hurt you wasted $200 on deteriorating garbage I understand and you can say whatever you want to me to feel better my opinion is just that an opinion and my opinion is that the 712 had a more refined driver and a MUCH better build
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44And lol the whole internet is saying, "they" aren't and if "they" were I wouldn't care because I'm not a drone and I form my own opinions I bet you own shp 9500 also lol
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44Calm the flying fuck down. Hell, from the way you're writing i gather you have absolutely no experience with audio equipment. If you'd have, you'd know everyone has different music preferences and likes different stuff. The K712s sound almost the same as the K7XXs and everyone on head-fi and other forums say the K7XXs are like the swiss army knife of the audio community. I think i'm not the butthurt one here. :)
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
nRaduYour a parrot Swiss army knife lol
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44You're*; Thanks.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
nRaduVery welcome parrot
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
nRaduAs in the bird that repeats what it heard
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44Just end it already.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Petronas44Y'all let's keep the discussion civil and away from personal attacks. We always encourage healthy debate and understand that disagreements or misunderstandings will inevitably occur. Ad hominem attacks, however, do not add to the conversation.
May 1, 2017
May 2, 2017
Petronas44Thank you, friend, this also has me feeling a little better about my purchase.
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
richardgaoYeah, just ignore him and everything will be fine.
May 2, 2017
May 23, 2017
MassdropNewbI have both 712s ands 7XXs and the XX does have a little more bass.., but they say that in the Massdrop blurb. Think they are up 2 to 3db at some center frequency and drop gently maybe a half octave+ either side of the center. I believe they did that in the 65th Anniversary 702s too, which is why the 7XXs are based on them. So a bit fuller bottom for the 7XX. Mids are similar to 02s and 12s, and very detailed.., I like 'em.
May 23, 2017
May 25, 2017
AudioproI'd argue the midrange is a tad more forward on the k712 than the k7XX... I'd also say they sound more cohesive and are worth the difference in price, obviously better. the AKG mids though are definitely the weakest part of the 700 series. They sound okay but slightly unnatural, in all of the headphones. They are all good cans though.
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
UzuzuI agree, with you, that the mids on the 712s appear to be more forward. However, we must realize that everything is relative. When one section of the frequency spectrum is diminished, as is the case with the 712, other parts are more exposed and therefore will appear to be louder. The 7XX have a slightly elevated low end which causes just the opposite effect.., the mids will sound more recessed because they are being masked slightly by the increase in upper bass frequencies. We should also mention that your mental focus is now on the increased bass and you are not paying as much attention to the mid frequencies. It's the human mind and its ability to weed through a complex sound, or be fooled by same, and pick out what it wants to hear. Don't feel bad we all do it. When you become a trained audio engineer, you learn to listen more closely, in a different way. Whereas I appreciate the 7XXs slight rise in bass, enabling me to hear that spectrum a little better, I found, upon careful listening, that the mids were still in tact. I also found that the mid frequency performance, of the 7XX improved with a decent break-in time. Keep listening, and most of all.., enjoy the music.
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
AudioproVery true.
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
nRaduThanks nRadu. Every pair of phones, and speakers, I've owned, sounded different, but you can get used to almost any of them save the ones that are just plain awful. As I've tried to tell some of my "audiophile" friends, "you need to stop listening to the gear guys.., and start listening to the music."
May 25, 2017
May 26, 2017
Audioprothat is true, but it doesn't matter if they have the same midrange or not. The whole idea to begin with is the way the overall response curve translates into how the headphone sounds. to your ears. Of course they have the same mids but one sounds more recessed. It IS more recessed due to the big picture.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
AudioproSome I can't get used to, and those ones are always ones with a recessed midrange relative to the bass in particular. Disgusting.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
UzuzuI've said it before, and I'll repeat it again. Our ears are all slightly different and the choice of a device is a matter of personal preference.., and that's true despite the science. You, apparently, prefer a more forward, or exposed, mid range sound.
May 26, 2017
May 28, 2017
AudioproOh of course my friend I just really love the vocals when they pop into the music. So I prefer at least a nuetral sound but admittedly I also enjoy good but not overbearing extension into the subbass reason. ☺
May 28, 2017
May 28, 2017
AudioproSomeone finally said it. This is very true. You have earned my respect, dude.
May 28, 2017
May 29, 2017
AudioproI thought so too, but the drop info is a bit vague. +3 bass compared to what, exactly? This added low end is also advertised on the K712 and I think it was also advertised on the annies, so I approached my listening tests by first disregarding the info as copy-paste from every other new K7** advertisement. I believe the " Improved low-end performance by 3dB " (from AKG's page on the K712 PRO) represents a tuning and improvement over the earlier K7 models... the K701, K702, and the Q701 and it's evident to my ears. A difference in bass between the K7XX and the K712 wasn't something I expected, nor was it something I heard ;)
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
OktyabrIt is confusing if you relay on the manufacturers specs. I do know that the 702 (65th Edition?) did have a small bass boost. I can definitely say, to my ears, there is a noticeable difference between the 712 and 7XX with the 7XX having a boost over the 712. You say relative to what.., and therein lies the rub. What do they consider their reference, from which a boost may be derived, or measured from? In my line of work if I'm happy with the mix decisions I can make without ruining it.., AND.., I am satisfied with the overall sound of the phones without getting tired listening.., then I'm cool.
May 29, 2017
May 31, 2017
AudioproThe new crop of LSR gear from JBL is sonically fine out of the box. The presets are a bit restrictive, not taking into account YOUR specific recording space. Use them judiciously and make sure you have either inline/inserted processing on your main output bus or actual room treatment that will take care of the spacial defficiencies in your listening space. Just my .03 worth
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
Davoc1While you'll find no disagreement from me regarding the JBL LSRs, even though I'm not a big JBL fan.., I thought this discussion was centered around headphones, the AKG K7XX in particular. So remind me what I may have said, in the past, to deserve this response?
May 31, 2017
Jun 9, 2017
AudioproI have the focusrite 6i6 studio interface. Your 2i2 is for a studio. It will run the AKGs quite easily and sound better than most interfaces.
Jun 9, 2017
Jun 9, 2017
tlewisgreenGet an amp.
Jun 9, 2017
Jun 9, 2017
ElsidThis lol, the focusrites do not amp very well.
Jun 9, 2017
Jun 10, 2017
UzuzuEnough. Read the specs. I have other amps also, but I know for a fact that his 2i2 will do. I have used my 6i6 with pro tools for senns. 7xx aren't that hard. What cyou got big boy? Are you trying to help, or just seem smart? To fellow who is thinking about 7xx, save and get the712 pro.
Jun 10, 2017
Jun 10, 2017
OktyabrI believe your right. The added bass, I think is a knock off from the 702 annies due the pads. Memory foam.
Jun 10, 2017
Jun 10, 2017
ElsidI have a Solo and its good for nothing other than monitoring.
Jun 10, 2017
Jun 11, 2017
UzuzuYou cant solo?Oh mama meo! I was trying to help a person who was trying to save some money. Go practice.
Jun 11, 2017
Jun 11, 2017
richardgaoAny update?
Jun 11, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jul 27, 2017
richardgaoAre the mono or stereophonic
Jul 27, 2017
Nov 25, 2017
richardgaoWhat is the amount I'll have to pay for Duty tax when this is shipped to Canada?
Nov 25, 2017
Dec 22, 2017
Jin_01I'd imagine you'd be dealing with the HST. So convert the price to $CAN and add 13%. Roughly.
Dec 22, 2017
Jul 1, 2019
richardgaoAre these open-back headphones?
Jul 1, 2019
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