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Would anyone in the EU be interested in buying this from me? I haven't opened the packaging yet.
Aug 3, 2018
biografI might be interested. Why don't you want them?
Jmac1401Right after ordering these and the Massdrop x Cavalli Hybrid Amp a friend sold me his Schiit Lyr 2 and a pair of AKG K702 instead.
Aug 3, 2018
biografAh! You got a number you're looking to get and where you located?
Jmac1401I'm located in Denmark. If you're asking what my price would be: I just want the original price ($200) + shipping to Denmark ($25) + shipping to you. That way I'm not losing money nor gaining any profit.
Aug 3, 2018
biografHmm let me think on it. Might actually work out cheaper to get them straight from MD to me instead.
Jmac1401Yeah, maybe, but the real killer are the customs clearance fees. It can get pretty expensive pretty quickly. But if you can avoid it, I would suggest ordering it directly from Massdrop :)
Aug 3, 2018
biografI think with shipping an custom fees it would be like $200 + $40. Just have to decide if they are worth it for me as main use is gaming.
Jmac1401I don't know about your country, but in Denmark we have to pay additional 25% taxes, $25 for handling our individual case, and an additional fee for importing shit. It definitely becomes more than $40 extra, but, again, I don't know the rules in your country.
Today I had to pay an additional $31 for a $25 artisan from China. It's absurd.
biografActually, it was a $20 artisan. Even worse.
Aug 3, 2018
biografAh that is expensive! I got the sennheiser pc37x the other month to the UK definitely wasn't that much!
Jmac1401Ah, you're lucky then.
Well, I just want to sell it, so what price were you looking for?
Aug 3, 2018
biografI'd have probably gone close to the $200 if fully unopened and postage to me
Jmac1401I could accept $200 + shipping. However, I don't know how much shipping it to the UK will cost.
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