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Jun 22, 2024
Well, they're cute and the price here is better than Amazon's (though I'm not completely satisfied we're comparing identical versions), but I'd to say one would have be daft to purchase this speaker (with the intent to listen to music on one speaker) at this price. Frankly, the idea of one-speaker music listening is daft to begin with, but at this price, crazy and unnecessary too. No matter what they pack into the box (cylinder in this case), you're just not getting what the musician and producer created for you. In truth, you may as well be standing in the parking lot of your neighborhood, high-end strip mall listening to the sludge they pump out through the "indoor/outdoor" speakers they hang on the sign that helps you remember what section your parked in--it's basically the same experience. I realize of course, there is an entire generation who've never listened to a proper stereo hifi set up, and worse, have grown up listening to music that in no possible stretch of imagination would warrant listing on a proper stereo hifi set up, but that's no reason to have them spending big money on an overpriced Alexa device! To those in that category, I say buy an Echo Studio (preferably a refurb unit) and spend the dough you saved on more tattoos and piercings. The latter two suggestions won't improve your listening experience, but they do help the rest of us see you coming. As for those who do know what a stereo system is, and who listen to music appropriate to those systems, and who therefore might consider purchasing TWO of these units (intending to enjoy two-channel stereo music), I say keep looking! There are plenty of active and passive speaker systems in the $2,800 range--with more coming all the time. Why lock yourself into B&O's fashion item of the month echo system? How long will they be supported? What happens when B&O moves to the next big thing--will you be left holding another bag of E-waste? On the other hand, it's also possible you have money to burn and $2,800 is about the same as you'd spend on dinner and drinks with your favorite someone? Well, in that case, I'd say buy a set (a pair) for the bedroom, master bath and your Yoga workout room. They'll sound good enough for the interim and when you move on to something else, you can pass them down to the kids, or the doorman in your building. Kind of win-win in that scenario, no?
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 23, 2024
RayF@RayF -I'm all for a negative perspective but this seems entirely inflammatory and sarcastic with no actual facts or basis as to why this wouldn't give best bang for your buck. I have a pair of these and the listening experience is beautiful across the full spectrum of my music tastes (granted the B&O app takes some getting used to and has its glitches when they launch updates). That being said if you are listening to the right formatted music these things are both a beast and beautifully wondrous. I'm no audiophile (although I do have a solid range of cans and speakers.. ) I suggest reading @Ciggavelli take on these speakers in discussion.. who breaks down everything and is highly respected in the audiophile industry.
Jun 23, 2024
Jun 23, 2024
Moth1191 “Inflammatory and sarcastic” are my stock and trade. I’m expressing opinions here; if you’re looking for reviews, especially ones that tend justify your purchases, might I recommend Cigavelli? I have it on good authority he’s your man.
Jun 23, 2024
Jun 23, 2024
RayFI live for the inflammatory and I respect the trade ! - can you recommend me a better setup for the same money? (wifi/bluetooth based - wired different story)
Jun 23, 2024
Jul 17, 2024
RayFHey Ray, my Drop buddy! Hoping everything is great with you and your family. You haven't changed one bit!
Jul 17, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
androidknee55 Good to see you’re up and vertical as well! All’s going reasonably well for me—although living in Las Vegas as I do, I could stand some cooler weather! As for change? Lots of changes—we’re both older, and hopefully wiser. The former is unavoidable and the latter isn’t guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. On a personal note, I’m heading up to SD next week for the Sturgis Rally. I go for business but bring my bike along pleasure (helps with the whole Balanced Life thing). As always—don’t buy anything here ;- )
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Moth1191 These days a lot of people tend to lump Bluetooth and Streaming together, and in some cases, confuse them as one! I don’t imagine you’re in either camp, but is Streaming a factor in your future setup, or are planning to rely on BT for existing source material?
Jul 18, 2024
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