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Jul 7, 2018
Seeing how there aren't much reviews on these, I looked them up on taobao and translated one of the more detailed reviews available out there. My Chinese isn't fantastic so please chime in if any other mandarin-speakers got a better understanding:
"I burnt in these earbuds for 5 days upon receipt and now I can comment. Source is the XDuoo x50, XD-05 with iphone5, or Zune. First, appearance and usage. Appearance-wise, these look high-end and is a breath of fresh air coming from the 'diy' (note: taobao parlance for knockoff iems) mx500 shells. Wearing them was nasty - I am used to frequently wearing earbuds and this is the first pair that refused to securely in my head, but of course the ear-hooks provided by the shopkeeper solved this perfectly. On my first audition, these earbuds pleasantly surprised me, with full sounds, thick mids, and bass that goes lower than other earbuds. Even now my opinion is unchanged and to elaborate how outstanding these are at this price point: the bass is rhythmic without being boomy; the mids are the highlights - rich without sounding granular; the highs I found to be a little lacking, without enough clarity and extension."
Jul 8, 2018
benjatBass goes low, rich mids, treble a bit lacking. That's EXACTLY what my treble-sensitive ears like.
Jul 8, 2018
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