This is pretty much just a toy for me. The sound is BAD for K7XX and HE400i (even worse than directly using my cell phone). I don't have 300 or 600 ohm headphones, so I guess my feedback is biased.
I'll probably use this to teach my son what is an AMP. LOL
DareToBeI have a pair of Fostex T50RP cans that are 60 ohm impedance, and a pair of HD6XX that are 300 ohms. I've played them both through the Bravo V2 I just got. I can tell you that this amp sounds pretty miserable trying to drive low impedance headphones. It gets kind of bright and nasty sounding. It sounds acceptable driving the HD6XX cans, but not as relaxed and clean as my original-version Objective2 amp (built up from the original run of PCBs). I agree, this thing is a toy. Maybe I'll do some experiments on it or something.
I'll probably use this to teach my son what is an AMP. LOL