How the hell is there not more fanfare around this little thing??? It's absolutely tiny, fits in your pocket and will even connect to and work with your mobile device if you have the cable/dongle (I'm using a USB-C to USB-A which then fits the included cable). And this thing gets LOUD. I can push the 250 ohm DT 770 to screeching levels (I've read someone say they paired this with the HE 400i's so even magnetic planars will work with this.) Sound quality is great, and while no music natively supports 32 bit/ 384kHz playback it's nice to have and I'm curious to try it out with games. No idle hum or any noticeable artifacting.
Just a few minor annoyances that are in no way a dealbreaker for me:
- Low/High gain switch is a bit difficult to actually switch (it's recessed somewhat into the body of the device)
- Read it got warm during operation, it does indeed get quite warm
- Windows use required installation of an application/driver (none on other platforms)
Overall this thing is super versatile. I was looking at a smaller solution to amping just because I tend to move around a lot and this thing hit all the checkmarks and passed with flying colors. Can be used as an all in one desktop solution or an on the go solution. I really can't understand how this was done at this price point or so well.
Just a few minor annoyances that are in no way a dealbreaker for me:
- Low/High gain switch is a bit difficult to actually switch (it's recessed somewhat into the body of the device) - Read it got warm during operation, it does indeed get quite warm - Windows use required installation of an application/driver (none on other platforms)
Overall this thing is super versatile. I was looking at a smaller solution to amping just because I tend to move around a lot and this thing hit all the checkmarks and passed with flying colors. Can be used as an all in one desktop solution or an on the go solution. I really can't understand how this was done at this price point or so well.