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Jan 19, 2015
"We understand this delay is rather undesirable."No, its unacceptable! I wont cancel because its the board that I've wanted but unfortunately these delays are becoming a trend with Massdrop, not that it matters but im not sure if i'll buy participating in another group buy with you guys. I rather pay full price in a brick and mortar store than wait 3 months. Thanks I guess...
Jan 21, 2015
minuscipheryeah man my keyboard has been broken for months, it's been a huge inconvenience. I've been beating myself up for not just buying from Newegg at the time. I met Will and the other dude whose name is slipping me at the moment (sorry other dude!) and they were nice so I'm more disappointed than angry. I can't do it anymore! :(
Edit: let me just add that gauge the original shipping date when I entered the drop so that parts on me, but I assumed it would take about a month like the other stuff I've purchased here. I'm going to see the drop out unless it gets ridiculous but every time I buy something on the site things change in my life by the time I receive the item so the occasional 10 or so dollars I'm saving doesn't make sense!
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