For all who have been asking here is a FRG for the Dekoni Blue. We recently acquired a certain piece of measurement gear, call it a working legend, and this is the first measurement made. Kudos if you can name the rig used and now owned by Dekoni Audio!
tdkocenLooks like the same rig used by Inner Fidelity, so I assume your measurements are capable with all of those, very useful! Was this done with the Hybrid pads? It would be interesting to see measurements with the velour pads as well.
jdeoxysFunny to find out who ended up with Tyll's rig after he hung them up this way. It was known he didn't pass it up to Rafe and or the publication who still run Innerfidelity.
At the same time, wouldn't Dekoni have had a rig for measuring all this time? Well have a good time with the rig. Hope this makes your already great pads better!