Decided to gamble on these, ordered the elite velour and fenestrated sheepskin. From reading Headfi and SBAF, the Elear/Elex seems to respond quite nicely/interestingly to pad rolling. Not too expensive considering how much focal sell their pads for..
IAmTheDoctor@IAmTheDoctor oh hey. I haven't used them a whole lot at this point to be honest, been busy. Good chance to take them out again and share my impression.
I was quite surprised when I received them as they are a tad thinner (around 2mm) than OEM pads, since most of Dekoni other offerings are bigger and thicker than OEMs (e.g HD6XX and HD800). Dekoni pads are more firm, whereas Elex pads are soft and supple (I can wear them for long hours with minimal wearing fatigue). But in saying that all the pads are very comfortable, I just prefer the Elex ones more. If i have to rank them: 1) Elex pads 2) fenestrated sheepskin 3)Elite Velour
(note: I also find the dekoni pads easier to remove, less force required than the Elex pads)
Bare in mind that I purchased these way before receiving my Elex and I thought having the Velour pads can make things more fun especially at the bass region. Indeed I have a lot of fun listening to 'Why so serious?' from The Dark Knight with the velour pads. However, they are quite genre specific, I don't like them with acoustic or vocal tracks as the bass bleeds pretty heavily into the mids and kinda ruin that experience for me.
The fenestrated sheepskin reduce the bass from the Elex and brings out more treble energy though not sibilant (something I anticipated). I enjoy these with classical and orchestral music. However, I am rather treble sensitive and I get listening fatigue from using them so they don't come out of the rotation much.
Overall, I like the tonality (most balanced for a wider variety of music) and comfort of the Elex the most, velour can make things fun but only for specific genres. Fenestrated sheepskin are comfortable but the treble energy is a too much for me to enjoy with a wider variety. Do I recommend them? Yeah they bring a lot of variety for not a lot more, considering Utopia pads are crazy expensive at $250 and $150 for the Elear pads.