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Drop BMR1 V2 Nearfield Monitors

Drop BMR1 V2 Nearfield Monitors

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Nov 28, 2024
Folks, our new, updated BMR1 is out. A number of community members provided feedback on how the speakers could be better—manual standby mode, cable length, Bluetooth pairing improvements etc. You can read about all the improvements here: We appreciate the feedback, and hope the V2 version will be better suited for your desktop. For the original BMR1 customers, we will provide a unique 40% off coupon in a week. If you'd like to purchase the speakers sooner than that you can do so and we'll issue a partial refund once the coupons are processed next week. (edit: discount increased to 40% due to current pricing)
Jan 31, 2025
Hey, i have an idea: Make these a little smaller and with a clamp to mount onto 16" Laptop screens, and drive them through a single USB-C cable! I'd buy that in a second, don't want to miss out on good sound on the go and hate to use headphones.
Jan 28, 2025
I'm getting pretty substantial static when plugged into 3.5MM jack... Any way to resolve that? In addition, Bluetooth just drops at times and is unable to reconnect, until I power cycle the unit.
mmeehan07Noise levels will differ depending on the devices you are plugging into and the devices in close proximity such as wifi routers with can generate a lot of EMI. Try adjusting placement of the speaker to determine the source of the static. Additionally, plugging them into a difference device can also help determine if the noise is being generated by the device you are plugging into. Hope that helps! For the Bluetooth connectivity, have you tried cycling the input mode on the speaker before re-connecting?
Where is the coupon code for the V2 if you are a V1 owner? Easy to see I am a V1 owner
Jan 28, 2025
KimbaWLionthey dont even say where to get the coupons.... no links or ntn.
Dec 23, 2024
As an owner of the v1, 25% less heat is not good enough. These run hotter than any speaker I’ve used. Glad they provided fixes for the popping and white noise feedback when in standby…. But here’s the thing—those issues should’ve been resolved in v1. Period. That amount of popping and feedback in this modern age? For that price? I wanted to love thaw based on the look and driver tech, but I’ll also wait till v3 if they happen
To be kind, the first version was something I expect to find in the $10 bin at Microcenter. The audio quality was simply not worth the effort and unless you have discovered new laws of physics, I do not see that improving much given the form. And Zeus help me, the form was akin to - make it seem complicated so it might be confused with quality. I was going to forever hold my comments on these, but the 40% discount feels insulting. Free, with a couple of covers (also free) and you cover the shipping would be a good start at apologizing for this mess. 40% is in no way an apology and the marketing speak hype is still over the top. As Mr Scott oft said, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Dec 9, 2024
Charging $25 for speaker grills that should be included is ridiculous.
Dec 9, 2024
This vs the Creative Pebble X Plus?
Dec 7, 2024
Was the “popping” when booting up a PC fixed in this unit? I’d really like to give it a try but if this issue hasn’t actually been fixed I’ll just wait for a V3. Same goes for the occasional robotic warping as mentioned in another comment, I’m struggling with the same issue on my unit still but learned to cope—if neither of these are fixed ah well. Will wait for a response.
pimpomThe new muting circuit on the analog input will help prevent instances of the speakers emitting noise or "popping" when plugging in. Additionally using the standby mode would also prevent the speaker from making any noise while rebooting a PC or other device. There have also been improvements made on the firmware to improve playback performance and reduce the chances of the speakers occasionally distorting during playback.
Dec 16, 2024
T.FernandezOh nice, thank you very much :)
Dec 6, 2024
Considering how hot the originals got a 25% reduction in heat doesn't sound like nearly enough. The first edition was a waste of my money and I won't be wasting money again on another pair.
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