This set did not disappoint. If you like what you see in the renders, then you will like what you see in person. Worth the wait on this one and as always GMK is a dream to type on and listen to. Top notch.
So overall perfect color scheme for what I was looking for in the build. NK65 E white alu with durock L7's and Belafonte GMK (yellow novelties on the right). I'm a sucker for the dark modifiers with light alphas but I'm also super anal retentive and cannot stop obsessing over the fact the the Z font and Belafonte novelty key are slightly crooked. Everything else is good but that novelty is a killer due to the size and the fact I'm using as my left shift so everytime me eyes wander down I see both those mistakes staring back at me!
Looks really great in-person, accurate to the photos and renders.
It's also been fun to yoink keycaps from belafonte and use them with my other sets.
I think the blue and yellow looks really good with my PBT vaporwave set from novelkeys
But yeah, if you like the aesthetic and belafonte is still available, definitely worthwhile since it's in-stock