This beautiful Dwarvish MT3 keycap set and the LotR Artisan keycap. At the time all I had was a Corsair K68 and knew nothing about customizing keyboards. When the set arrived I quickly found out that the K68 uses a non-standard 6.5u spacebar size, so I had to find a suitable replacement.
After a bit of searching I found Esty artist Okay2020 who has wooden keycaps and offered custom engraving. A short time later and after buying the Dwarvish Numpad and Extras sets I now have this gorgeous K68!
I truly hope the Durin's Forge set comes back in stock and I don't miss it!
Since then I've gone straight down the rabbit-hole and I've bought a Drop CTRL low-profile board, several MT3 keycap sets, and now I'm lubing switches in my spare time.
Matt3o's MT3 rules them all!
This kind of joke project turned out wayyyy better than expected. And a big part of that is these beautiful Keycaps.
First time using MT3. And I must say I'm a fan.
The set is great, there are lots of options, the keycaps are of a great quality. The MT3 profile feels great for typing, it adds a deep sound because of the high profile. Overall, I really love the keycaps and the colors. The colors are a true representation of what Matt3o, the designer, intended. The colors fit with a more dwarvish look, darker, more earthy/stony.
However, I feel that to be fair, the advertising pictures feature in Drop are misleading for new buyers if they were not aware of the Pantone colors that these keycaps are based off.
I am adding some photos that will match the Drop look and some that will match a more accurate (to my eye) real look of these keycaps.
If I could give two ratings, I would give a 5/5 to Matt3o, thanking him for a Great job on these keycaps and an amazing job as well on the MT3 profile. To Drop I would give a generous 3/5 for the misleading colors, mostly I would really be disappointed if I had a lighter keyboard because it would really clash if I were basing myself on their product photos. The quality of the packaging is there and I have found no faults on the keycaps which are of a great quality too.
PS: for the images - the first one has no flash and just ambient light, the colors should match more the "real" look (photo looks underexposed on purpose).
the second one is with a LED light and flash - exposure should be a little overexposed.
the third photo should match the DROP "look", flash was used, exposure altered. Highlights and shadows altered as well.
Hopefully these images can help future buyers! I would say do not be discouraged from buying, the keycaps are great, just beware of the colors and check the pantone colors - Dwarves Light gray: PANTONE 15-0513 TPG (Eucalyptus) / Dark gray: PANTONE 18-1112 TPG (Walnut) / Orange: PANTONE 18-1163 TCX (Pumpkin Spice)
Best training kit legend layout of the lotr sets, PBT feels great.
I had the dark speech training kit and got the dwarf ortho kit to replace the alphas because the size and placement of legends and the low contrast between them and their background on the other kit was proving a bit of an issue. Unlike the other two kits, the dwarf training kit comes with the normal legends in the top left instead of bottom right and they are large enough to be easily visible when needed. Furthermore the other two lotr kits only have half of the standard legends on the keys that aren't letters but this one has both symbols on each key. If more fantasy/sci fi kits come out with this kind of layout then I will probably be a customer again. Last thing, the PBT is very nice to the touch and sounds pretty good, hopefully more MT3 sets come out in this material.
Attached picture is a hybrid of dwarf and dark speech under two different lights. (blueish white light from the front and traditional yellow tinged light from behind to the right). The O, P and L keys came out with the shade I would consider the closest to what they look like in real life..
Taxes for the EU are steep but now that I tried mt3 I don't think I can switch back to cherry or oem so I'm just gonna have to take that hit.^^
You are right about the studio settings, however, if I buy something where the colours are pretty important part of the product and I cannot check them out in person, I expect that the photos are closer in colour to what I will see when I open the box. If it happens twice, you can be sure that was my last order from that shop. Also yeah, you can return, but that’s extra hassle on the customer side not counting the disappointment when you are opening the box and you don’t get what you expected.
Like others have noted, the advert pictures are completely different from how they look in person. I had them in several different lighting environments, and the discrepancy is still there.
That said, I can’t say I’m too bummed out about it. They still look and feel great. I can imagine, however, if i had a white case rather than a black case, I’d be quite a bit more annoyed.
Docking a star for this reason.
The print on the front for about six of my keycaps on the bottom row - the ctrl, alt, etc. (not on the top of the keycap) have completely rubbed off from normal use after about a month of normal, work from home 8 hr/day use. For these keys, that front print is the label these particular keycaps, so not very happy with that. The keycaps themselves are lower quality than doubleshot MT3, which I also have. My doubleshot MT3's are MUCH higher quality than these.
So for most color accurate photo I guess please reffer to: Dwarvish | Drop. This set wouldn't be able to exist if not dye subbing, but there are drawbacks to that method like hard to align legends and sadly this set is suffering from it. Don't get me wrong I still love the set. Try to take closer look at alphas in image below. Note distance on each of the letters like q from top edge and left edge of keycap, they do differ. What's more some are rotated more than the others. It's the most obvious on B keycap. Other than that I don't think you'd be able to distinguish it if not looking for defects. So it's a mixed feeling I guess, I love the set but it has flaws because of used technique, yet otherwise this set wouldn't have existed or would be really expensive with all the molds made specifically for that set. In the end it gets my recommendation if you can live with slightly misaligned and misrotated legends.
Right Off the boat, the developers did a great job bringing LOTR-inspired keycaps to life. I'm not really sure who was in charge of producing the official photos but its misleading photos really comes down to DROP's approval or its designers. Eitherway, both sides need to take this into account and not put out misleading colours. As a photographer of 14 years, I do understand making the product looks as good as possible but in products like keycaps its always best to have at least 90-95% accurate colour accuracy to the ACTUAL product.
The received final product colour varies ALOT especially the caps that are supposedly "WHITE" its more of a yellowish off white creamy colour (no matter under what light be it amber or cool LEDs). My photo above is taken professionally to showcase the keycaps in its supposedly FULL GLORY.
That being said, hope the designers and DROP dont repeat the same mistakes for further brand collaborations as hardcore LOTR fans like me have been waiting for products like this and at the end being slightly disappointed considering its premium price. If youre not so anal about the colour discrepancy, then by all means I highly recommend getting the keycaps... its One Keycaps to rule them ALL!
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A community member
Feb 23, 2022
thekenisticI think Drop is to blame. The designer was upfront about posting the color codes and samples on his blog, but the photos here are all white-balanced wrong, so cream appears as white. Scroll through the reviews on other products and you'll see similar complaints about the photo colors. I've just come to expect everything on here to really wind up a few shades darker/yellower in real life, unfortunately.
DROP seriously need to get their act together and stop misrepresenting things... quite disappointed really.. after so many years of waiting for something like this.. coming from a hardcore LOTR fan..
Grey is way darker than image.
glyphs (especially red colored) are not as thin in image.
I have had these key caps for a couple months now and the sub legends are rubbing off already.
tholliday212Agreed. If only they actually posted a live image of it, I would actually ordered it on day 1 (it was available at that time). Ordinally I thought it's too light until I saw this: