Simbelmynë. Ever has it grown on the tombs of our forebears. Now it shall cover the switches of your keyboard. Known by the Elves as uilos or alfarin, the sacred white flower Simbelmynë is so-called by the peoples of Rohan™, where it covers the tombs of great kings, and translates directly to “evermind”. Ever has it been on our mind here at Drop—which is why, for our latest set of artisan keycaps, it quickly became the core inspiration. Introducing Drop + The Lord of the Rings™ Rohan™: Simbelmynë—a collection of three artisan keycaps commemorating the fallen warriors of Rohan and their resting place: the Barrowfield. Choose from the 2u Barrow Sword, the 1u Barrow Helm, and the 1u Barrow Shield—each displaying its named artifact of war; each adorned with earth, root, and Simbelmynë. Handcrafted in stunning detail by the talented artisans at Dwarf Factory, these hallowed keycaps are encased in transparent resin to last an age. May their spirit find its way to the halls of your keyboard.
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Estimated ship date is Feb 19, 2025 PT.
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