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Mar 1, 2018
Hmm wonder what the time frame is going to be for a matching DAC for this? One thing for sure is these are selling like hotcakes probably wont last past a week.
Mar 1, 2018
LuckyEightsBuy a D50 DAC when it comes out, or get a DX7 since its balanced anyway and currently has some of the best measurements @ audiosciencereview.
Mar 2, 2018
Jimster480I was going to buy the dx7s when it was dropped on here a little while back but the output impedance was really high and was afraid it would cause issues as a lot of my headphones are 32ohms. Is the D50 just a dac or is it a combo? Would seem like a waste of money to buy a dac amp combo just to use the dac.
Mar 2, 2018
LuckyEightsIf you buy DAC or Combo to pair this amp. You don't have to worry about output impedance of the DAC or Combo as long as they have Line-Out.
Mar 2, 2018
LuckyEightsThe D50 is just a DAC. If you use the DX7s the output impedance into another amp doesn't matter. Also if your headphones are planar 32ohm it shouldn't matter much what the impedance is, because it depends on the impedance response of the headphones themselves. Many headphones these days don't have much affect from output impedance. But you could also get an o2Amp in the meantime if it was a huge problem for you.
I personally have a DX7, A30 and O2 amp and I use them every day basically since the DX7 came out. Before that I had a D30 and a M8 DAC.
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