You don’t have to pay like the pros to play like the pros. Our latest collaboration with Koss is an audiophile-approved gaming headset with Drop-exclusive upgrades you won’t find anywhere else.
Importing into the UK, I had to pay the following additional charges:
Charges due Customs Entry £ 8.50 Import Duty £ 0.00 Import VAT £ 8.82 Total £ 17.32
AquarionI thought it was all bout the weight because my 58x were about 20£ top to my 6xx anything between 35 and 45£ but we may have a better deal since about 3 months back, but not sure, little tempting broken down like that if that's the true price it's very nice! And tempting to boot! m.
Shipping costs are calculated at checkout, but surprise fees will be a 3$ tax (QC) and a 10$ DHL fee for paying said tax. I am considering stopping doing business with drop just because of their using DHL.