SmumpWas thinking the same. I'm like the whole point of a 60% board is to be compact and discreet, but the bezel would put an awkward gap between the rest of my hand and the keys.
That being said, I really like the design and the LEDs though. The specs say dual color LEDs, so are the colors purple/pink like in the first couple pictures?
boqqtzzthe bezel is really small.imho it looks fantastic. if massdrop would sell the this with clear switches and in a iso layout, i would buy this as a second ducky mini.
@boqqtzz the two leds are blue and red, so you choose a combinatin of them like purple.
SmumpI realized why you think the bezel looks big. The top bezel is larger than the sides and bottom, but the side and bottom bezels are pretty small. In the banner picture at the top, it looks like the bottom bezel is huge but that's just because there's a ton of light on that area of the keyboard so it looks like the top of the bottom bezel and the side of the bezel are all the top. If you look at the bottom right corner of the keyboard, the darker part of the bezel is the top of the bezel, and below that is the side of the bezel.
SmumpJust so you know, I have seen people remove the bezel from the original Ducky Mini. It's something to consider if you dislike it.
mareoftenebraeThanks for the info! The 60% looks WAY better minus the bezel. I might have to reconsider this drop. Now if only I could get over the...strange...icon on the spacebar. If it were under 100$ it would be a no-brainer but at nearly double the price, it's a hard pill to swallow.