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Dec 15, 2014
Had a bit of an issue with the TRSS cable but that's been fixed now. Happily typing away with my ErgoDox right now!
Dec 15, 2014
silverthornneI find that the 2x size DCS keys are a little more comfortable, if I have them rotated around the other way(slanting towards the hand, not away.). I also have the inner 1.5 x rotated the other way than what you have on yours. It was a bit confusing as which way to have the inner 1.5x and the 2x ones in the build, but I settled on having both slanting towards the hand in the end.
Dec 16, 2014
cartman-2000If I gather the courage to pull the keycaps out I'll try your suggestion :) I had a bit of an incident when I removed one of the 1.5x keycaps: the switch popped open! It was easy to fix but I am concerned that I may ruin a switch or two. I also have a Corsair K65 keyboard and those keycaps aren't as stubborn as these DCS caps...
Dec 16, 2014
silverthornneLet my guess, you have the clear switches on your's, those hold on the caps "a lot" more then the blues that I'm using in mine. That's one of the primary reasons why I didn't want the clears in mine. You can get them off without potentially popping the top part of the switch off if you can get something to pry the cap off that also holds the stem down too(You'd probably have to custom make a tool to do that.). With pulling them off the normal way, with a keycap puller, you have to be careful not to pull the stem out of the switch, having the top pop off is better than having that happen.
It's pretty much only the clears and the greys that have this problem with the caps sticking on hard enough to have the switch top pull apart when you go to take the cap off of it.
Dec 17, 2014
cartman-2000Nah, it’s the caps. They stick really hard to my blues.
Dec 17, 2014
ArnoNymStrange, mine don't stick all that hard on mine. Doesn't really take all that much pull force to get them off with the key cap puller.
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