To keep your collars crisp and classy, collar stays are a necessary addition to any sophisticated wardrobe. That said, a basic piece of plastic isn’t exactly the accessory of choice, even if it does keep your collar straight. Giving you four convenient tools in a stylish Titanium build, the Exuvius Multi-Tool Collar Stays 4-Pack lets you look your best and be prepared for the worst.
Note: On this drop, you will receive two pairs of collar stays.
Made to bring a bit of functionality and elegance to the party, these Titanium collar stays are virtually indestructible and pack four tools into their construction: a half-phillips screwdriver, a slotted screwdriver, a thread cutter, and a bottle opener. If that’s not enough, there are also laser-etched measurement markers- in Imperial and Metric units- along the edge. With a range of uses wide enough to impress James Bond, the Exuvius Multi-Toll Collar Stays are distributed in Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) Kits all over the world. Even better, their non-magnetic Titanium construction lets them pass through the airport and other metal detectors without a problem.
More than simply functional tools, these collar stays are polished and sleek, so they look as great in your hand as they do keeping your collar firmly in place. Thanks to the keychain hole, you also have a convenient way to carry your tools when not in use. Capable of fitting in almost any collar and getting you out of almost any situation, the Exuvius Multi-Tool Collar Stays 2-Pack keeps your collar straight and you well prepared for whatever comes next.
Estimated ship date is Nov 25, 2014 PT.
Payment will be collected at checkout. After this product run ends, orders will be submitted to the vendor up front, making all orders final.