RayFHow about the fact that they obviously bit the style of the Mani, or whichever Schiit model looks identical to this, and are charging 10x? Lol...
(edit: Fulla, not MANI..)
SStasThis was designed before the Fulla 2 was released, but the feature set is pretty different. Incidentally, the JDS Labs Element has a similar look and came out before either one, IIRC.
RayFI’d never consider buying a Schiit amp, considering the stunts they pulled.
I suppose, to their credit, their branding is truth in advertising.
Grace Design on the other hand, is a respected firm that sells to pro audio engineers, not snake-oil hipster-fanboys.
As others pointed out, the m900 available at B&H makes more sense. I myself had to buy a DAC-amp recently and got a new-old-stock Fostex HP-A8 mk I for $100 more than this.
fazalmajidThat was a seven-year old story, still, until these products become mainstream (readily available in local stores, reviewed by more reliable magazines/websites), we’re all somewhat vulnerable.