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Apr 7, 2015
This may be a stupid question, but how would you go about labeling the keycaps? I expect it will be a steep learning curve to figure out where I've mapped all the keys without having labeled them, and no one would ever be able to use it other than me without labels.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
gcranstonYou can buy keycaps with labels printed on them such as this: Note: you will need both the base set and the Dox set if you want everything labeled and matching.
Alternatively, you could print stickers and put them on the keycaps that are sold in this drop.
When I learned to type Dvorak on my QWERTY labeled board, I just printed the map on a piece of paper and set it next to my keyboard for about a week. This is definitely the cheapest option, and it has the advantage of not training you to look at the keyboard while typing.
As for other people using your board, I doubt anyone will be able to use it easily regardless of wether the keys are labeled or not.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
gcranstonEarlier in the thread, I posted:
"This is how I added labels to blank key caps: "
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
gcranstonWhen I was learning my layout, I just printed out a sheet of paper with my layout and taped it to the bottom of my monitor. It was easier to look at than labels on the keys and was easier to update when I tweaked my layout.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
gcranstonnomaded's solution will be great if you want to label the keyboard completely. Those label makers can print pretty small letters so it would even be possible to label keys for multiple layers I think. There are also transparent label tapes so it wouldn't be a problem to label green, red or any other keycaps. A simple label maker will set you back about $20 and you might need to buy tape, the one included with the device might be for instance black letters on transparent background which won't do you any good if you get the standard black keycaps available in this drop. So that's a little pricey.
A cheaper option is to get a sticker set. They cost a few bucks and are typically white on black so they should look ok on the black keycaps from this drop. This way you won't be able to label a few keys, especially the ones that switch layers. And some people consider it sacrilege to put cheap stickers on a quality keyboard :) But it's certainly the cheapest option, just search for "keyboard stickers" on Amazon or Ebay if you're interested.
However, it's very likely that you'll want to experiment with your layout, at least in the first few days. What if you put a Ctrl label on a 1x key but then need it on a 2x key? You'll probably need to hold labeling the keyboard off until you find a layout you really like. But by then you won't need the labels so much. Perhaps for other people who have to use your computer, but they'll try to avoid that anyway :)
Also, because ErgoDox is a split keyboard, the blank keys don't create big blocks where you could often get lost. You can easily locate most keys, especially that (in default qwerty layout) all letters and digits are in the 4x5 blocks of the smallest keys.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
RafalI bought some clear stickers for my current Ergodox and I can't stand how cheap it looks. I cut them small and placed them on the sides of the keycaps. Sure it helps, but I wish we could get a generic QWERTY label option for the keycaps.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
nomadedI did that to mine as well, but I hate how cheap they look. I'm tempted to hand-paint some lettering on the sides.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
Hero_of_OneI'd like to get DCS keycaps with both Qwerty and DVORAK on them, though that's never going to happen. But I'm surprised Qwerty isn't offered.
Apr 7, 2015
Apr 7, 2015
Hero_of_OneI didn't label the whole keyboard. I just put a few labels where needed. I don't actually need any labels on the keycaps, since I touch-type, but it's useful to know where I put some of the keys when I need to type Qwerty.
Here's a photo of my current ErgoDox: .
Apr 7, 2015
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