Great experience for a deskmat; colors match great; fabric is nice
I've had mixed experiences with deskmats. I got a Mito deskmat that looks great but refuses to straighten out (curls towards the edges where rolled up). This spent a few days on an open door, and straightened with ease. The mat looks as pictured, and I still get the "awww... this is cute" feeling when I see the little astronaut and his balloon and dog. My only complaint, which is not with the mat, but with the color, is that it picks and shows dust easily. I knew this going into it, because that's often what black does. However, no regrets, this is a great deskmat.
SqueeI agree. I was dreading a new deskmat because the previous one I got never straightened out completely after months of use. This one was packaged better (rolled with pictured surface exposed) and flattened out immediately upon being put on the desk. LOVE IT.
Love the design and the quality is solid. Would appreciate some various sizes or some design adjustments. I want to show off the whole pad, but keyboard covers some of it :(