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Sep 17, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
Guys - here's the short version; buy one of these. I have the ebony one but I suspect these Fostex headphones, irrespective of the wood finish/sig have similar, excellent build and sound quality. Folks weren't kidding when they say these pack good bass. I would say that's true and the wood probably help resonate the bass; it's this latter bit that really made these shine IMO. It's not enough to have the punch. ;-) Before I got my Fostex, I was a skeptic being a headphone junkie with Audeze (LCD-X, 3), Senn. HD820, Focal Elex/Elear, Beyers DT1990, M&D MH40 and even the E-MU. I thought these were over priced set of cans even at ~$500 that probably had too much bass and not enough soundstage, etc. etc. Now I got these at the same time I bought the HD820 because where I work can't have the sound pollution going. After receiving these I was a bit shocked how good they sound. Though still breaking them in after a couple of weeks of sporadic listening, this set of cans have become one of my favorites. At the moment a lot DJ, dub, heavy instrument/bass and electronica--things to keep me moving. The bass reverberates the low end really well--nice wood? It is deep and punctuated--pretty fast too. The highs are clear and more striking then the Audezes to me. The LCD3 is still more sublime for vocals and across the range. However, the net result is a set of cans that matches superbly with pretty much any DAC/Amp combo I use. Kind of your run of mill solid performer. It is definitely an engineered sound piece. The Audezes and Senn require more attention and rewards the listeners. The Fostex just kind of hit you and left and right and keep the beats going without embarrassing itself by any stretch. My set of Fostex doesn't sound much different to me whether I put it on my fireflies WA7 or the liquid LCX+SDAC, or the mojo, etc. Partly I think it's my attitude about throwing the heavy music at it, but nevertheless the clarity and soundstage are pretty damn good! Sure the LCDs and HD820 are better at picking out the fine details and more neutral for tuning your own sound, but when I'm just hacking code or casually doing something but want some music, the Fostex is ready to get in gear. I'm so impressed with the TR-X00 that I'm wondering how good the TR 900's are. There are two things that I want to fix with these cans: 1) the pads aren't the most permeable; I get sweats on long listening time, 2) I need another cable -- either short or balanced would do. Construction wise the headphone is well finished from the swivel cups to the headband to the polish of the cups. Nicely done! Yea I think Massdrop delivers again! For what I paid for, these are definitely good value. Just give me options of to get another cable and pads without having to fish for them separately. Disclaimer and thoughts -- love and analysis of music is very personal. We all hear things differently and at different times. Try different products out and sit on them awhile if you have questions and not sure. I would have skipped a couple of purchases if I have done that :-)
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