So just some context, I'm still fairly new to the hi-fi audio but have found myself diving fairly deep at decent pace. I currently trade between the AKG k702, DT990, HD6XX, and now the TR-X00 and power them using the JDS Labs Element, Modi2u+Magni2u or Modi2u+Valhalla 2 (tube).
Comfort: Pretty darn good, they felt comfortable right off the bat. They have low clamping pressure, soft (fairly breathable) earpads, and not nearly as heavy as I assumed they'd be with the wood. Headband, though light on padding, is also surprisingly comfortable. They aren't at the level that you forget they're there but you're not gonna be rushing to take them off when nothing is playing.
Looks: Just look at that mohagany... gorgeous, though you might not feel comfortable wearing them out in public as subtle they are not. I also really wish they came with a different cable, it's just unwieldy, but at least it's removable.
Sound: This is where they really get me. The bass/sub-bass extension is just fantastic and feels punchy and clear without much bleed into the mids. The treble is definitely present but not harsh and sibilant like some other headphones *cough* DT990 *cough* I know. The mids are slightly recessed but clear. Overall they're just so enjoyable for me to listen too for just about everything I've thrown at them. They really sound amazing on tubes but are so easy to drive that they even sound great on my iphone 7+. The one thing I would change would be the soundstage, I just wish it was a bit wider though that might be asking a bit much of a <$1k pair of closed backs.
Value: They're without a doubt the most (to me) enjoyable <$1k pair of headphones I have had the privilege of listening to, not to mention their look and feel just being top-notch.
Calebthelionim thinking about buying the JDS labs element. how does it sound with the shiit combos you stated when you tried it out on the fostex and hd 6xx(planning on this 2 headphones also)? also i heard the soundstage of the fostex is quite narrow but is the imaging good cause I may plan on using it for fun gaming not competitive gaming.
AzeendeenSo I use the Element as my desktop amp/dac typically with my AKG k702 mostly for the soundstage on the k702. For music I pretty much always use the fostex now, I got some ZMF Ori pads for them which has improved the soundstage and made for an excellent listening experience and for gaming they provide just enough bass thump and the imaging is truly amazing. I use my hd6xx and fostex with my modi>valhalla setup most of the time for listening to music though just cause I’m to lazy to move my cans around a lot and the k702 have a permant home at my desk. I’ve never used my hd6xx on the Element actually. Maybe I’ll try it out and get back to you.
CalebthelionTotally agree about the sound stage on the TH-X00, I love everything about the TH-X00 (perfect tonality for my taste) except I wish the sound stage is a bit wider.
All the other variants (Denon AH-D2000, E-Mu Teak, TH-X00 Ebony) that I owned all have wider sound stage. But TH-X00 is my favourite in terms of tonality.
Oh I've been eyeing the HD6XX, for someone who owns the TH-X00 Mahogany would you recommend me getting the HD6XX?
I listen to mostly female fronted rock, pop, and acoustic songs. Thanks!
Comfort: Pretty darn good, they felt comfortable right off the bat. They have low clamping pressure, soft (fairly breathable) earpads, and not nearly as heavy as I assumed they'd be with the wood. Headband, though light on padding, is also surprisingly comfortable. They aren't at the level that you forget they're there but you're not gonna be rushing to take them off when nothing is playing.
Looks: Just look at that mohagany... gorgeous, though you might not feel comfortable wearing them out in public as subtle they are not. I also really wish they came with a different cable, it's just unwieldy, but at least it's removable.
Sound: This is where they really get me. The bass/sub-bass extension is just fantastic and feels punchy and clear without much bleed into the mids. The treble is definitely present but not harsh and sibilant like some other headphones *cough* DT990 *cough* I know. The mids are slightly recessed but clear. Overall they're just so enjoyable for me to listen too for just about everything I've thrown at them. They really sound amazing on tubes but are so easy to drive that they even sound great on my iphone 7+. The one thing I would change would be the soundstage, I just wish it was a bit wider though that might be asking a bit much of a <$1k pair of closed backs.
Value: They're without a doubt the most (to me) enjoyable <$1k pair of headphones I have had the privilege of listening to, not to mention their look and feel just being top-notch.