TacoHerderThe Magni 3 is more powerful on single ended (1.3W RMS per channel on the Magni vs the 0.7W RMS per channel), but the balanced on this unit is more powerful (2.8W RMS per channel). So if you're using the balanced portion, you'd definitely benefit from this guy, but if you're not using balanced cables and such, then you're better off getting the SDAC here on Massdrop and pairing it with the Magni 3 for a stack of $250.
EnsisTheSlayerI don't own any balanced gear yet. But depending on if my recruitment recovery in my left ear. I might get a hearing aid implant for my right ear if the sound is natural. Then I might want to get some balanced gear. Don't really want to wait until next year for the SDAC though. Who knows, maybe either a Schiit stack or this plus a Magni 3. Looking forward to listening to music again. So I would like to return to some new gear for my home.