Bought them. I do not regret it one bit. They are indeed neutral with a bass boost, with a relatively low OI source. High OI raises the bass (50 something ohm OI out of my UD-301 was absurd) but mids and treble suffer a bit.
Low OI though sounds absolutely incredible. New favorite IEMs, dethroning my Pinnacle P1, and from memory, they sound better than the Audiofly AF180 I had on loan for a bit.
TheOmegaCarrotHm, I experienced the same thing. These actually sound *worse* through my amp! They sound amazing through my phone, very neutral with a little extra bass. Bass is a little too much thru my amp, mids become too flat and boring, and I lose enough treble to significantly affect the soundstage. I bought these to use portable 99% of the time so I don't really care, was just surprised.
TheOmegaCarrotI use a CEntrance DACport 10 Ohm version / no mod. (the classic one:
Headphone Amp: Direct Class-A, no caps in the signal path
Maximum Output Level: 4.4 V peak / +12 dBu
Output Power: 1.5W (total), drives 600 Ohm headphones
Output Impedance: 10 Ohm
frivoflava29yeah, the 10 ohm OI is less than ideal. I forget the OI of the iPhone 6S, but it sounds pretty good out of my Phone, but I find it sounds best out of <=1ohm OI from my NFB-1Amp or Q1Mk2
frivoflava29In general, lowest OI is best, at least with SS gear, but if it’s at most ~1/10th of the impedance of your cans, you’re probably fine. OI > ~1/10th the impedance of your headphones will change stuff up, and you may happen to like it. I know some people like the CA Andromeda out of higher than “ideal” OI
TheOmegaCarrotThat makes sense. So if your cans are 300 or 600 ohms, 1 or 10 ohms OI won't make a huge difference? Is it a misconception then as well that any 32 ohm pair will be easier to drive than a 300 ohm pair? I found the 4XX was about as power hungry as the 6XX, but more sensitive to sources. I assumed it had to do with being a PM.
frivoflava29being hard to drive has more to do with sensitivity than impedance, unless the impedance is stupid high or stupid low, because amps can’t push as much power into higher impedance loads, but most decent amps usually have enough power to get most reasonable cans to a decent volume. Disclaimer: I am not an engineer, most of what I’m saying is either from looking at specs for too long and/or parroting people smarter than me
TheOmegaCarrotWell, what you're saying actually makes sense to me anecdotally. I can even get the 6XX to reasonable listening levels with my phone no problem, but it sounds terrible of course. There's so much misinformation in this hobby which is why I really appreciate your input when I could obviously find answers elsewhere online.