slappomattYou can fix the not-so-comfortable part with a more comfortable pair of pads. M40x has "really tight" clamping pressure, and it will "literally" hurt your head. Put it on a fat book for few days that worked for me, different pads will sound better and make it more comfortable. M40x needs a break in period in my experience, so give it some more time :)
MasudRanaI got a set of the brainwavez hybrid pads today. still a lot of clamp on my head but at least the pads fit my ears and are fairly comfortable but it has completely killed what little bass these headphones had. I probably only have like 5 hours on these headphones so I hope they break in soon or they are both going back. 130 it too much to have into a pair of bassless semi tolerable comfort headphones.
thinking strongly about returning these for a set of sennheiser 280 pro. or maybe HE-400i
slappomattI used M50x for about three years, almost everyday. My advice, buy better earpads: Brainwavz pleather pads feel good and sound almost stock, even a bit better IMHO. I also have the Brainwavz velour pads (they completely ruined the sound and leaked a lot, but were very comfy) and Brainwavz sheepskin leather pads (better breathability and nicer feel than pleather, same sound, but cost almost twice, so they might not be worth it).