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Jun 26, 2018
I'm no audiophile, so forgive the basic question. I have a pair of HD 598s. Are the 6XXs considerably "better" (a loaded word, I know ) than my pair and worth an upgrade? Will a guy like me, who listens to 128 bit MP3s and has a decent $50 headphone amp for use with my Android phone, notice a difference?
Jun 26, 2018
larryqFor the differences, I'd say probably not. With the hd6xx (based on the hd650) you'll get more bass, and not as much treble as the hd598s (especially in the 6k region as you can see in the graph below). However, if you have money to spend, this still is a good pair of headphones to get.
Jun 26, 2018
larryqHey Larry - I have both the 598s and the 6XXs. In an absolute sense the 6XX are significantly better - but that doesn't mean they are better for you. If you are listening to lossy 128 bit files in a portable setup - then stick with the 598s. They are much easier to drive and superior detail retrieval is irrelevant if the detail isn't in the music files to begin with. The 598 has a wider soundstage, a slightly more comfortable fit and the overall sound signature is very similar. If your $50 amp doesn't drive the 300 ohm 6XXs properly - then you will probably find they actually sound worse than the 598s. When I am listening at work, out of my phone or ipod, the 598s are more suitable for that. The 6XXs only make sense if, at some point, you are planning to replace your setup, with a better source, an amp suited to the 6XX and 256 bit files at a bare minimum. If you want portability you would be better off spending your $200 on a pair of Campfire Comets - which I also have and they are awesome.
Jun 26, 2018
redbookI'm in the same situation as him but work with the Fulla 2 and 320 bit files. Would you recommend the upgrade?
Jun 26, 2018
redbookThanks for the opinions, you and kanbaru. Seems to be 'worth it' if I upgrade my amp, general setup and MP3 fidelity, otherwise probably not. I _would_ like to take a step in that direction, but not sure if now's the time. Decisions....
Jun 26, 2018
larryqI'm actually upgrading from my 598SE to this. For me, I've always felt like my 598s never produced satisfying enough bass. It's close, but not enough. I'm hoping these correct that problem while keeping all the other qualities that I enjoy about my 598s.
Jun 27, 2018
fullmetal13The Fulla will drive the 6XX fine. The case for the upgrade is simply that these are, for sure, the best $200 headphones you can get. They will sound really good with your setup - but the 6XX scales up like a racoon on the UBS building. So, if in the future you decide to get a better amp, you won't also need to upgrade headphones. The 6XX can take full advantage of any improvements you care to make.
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