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Jul 15, 2018
Okay so here is a possibly weird question. Is there a way to increase the clamp on the 6XX? I have both them and the 58X and the 58X I never felt the need to stretch them out besides just wearing them on my head. The 6XX had a stronger clamp force initially compared to the 58X so I stretched them out using a stack of books. You can see the difference in the clamp in the picture. Now the 6XX are not loose. I can shake my head with them on and they will not move or fall off. But somehow they still feel a bit more lose then I'd like them to be. I got the 6XX a few months prior to the 58X so they do have more time on them. Also I'm thinking of getting the "4 bump" padding (which the 58X was originally supposed to have) and swap the pads on one of these headphones. Anyone prefer the 4 bump pads over the 2 bump pads?

Jul 15, 2018
Jul 17, 2018
Mark_MJust do the opposite of the way they recommend to bend to have less clamping force. Extend the earpieces all the way out until you see approximately 3” of the metal part of the band, the part that goes into the plastic headpiece . Using both thumbs, slowly bend the metal part of the band only to make them tighter or looser.
Jul 17, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
Mark_MAny chance you'd compare the two ?
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
chessmasterWell I'm not the best at describing things. Both are excellent headphones in their own right. I'd have to say that the 58X is a bit more lively than the 6XX. The 58X seems to have a more "V shaped" sound signature with more bass (not bloated) and more highs/treble. Both have great detail and clarity. Neither would be good for bass heads though. I'm using a Micca Origen+ DAC/amp to power them. I never need to go past "12 o'clock" on the volume dial and I'm on low gain. Plenty loud for me.
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
Mark_MThanks for the prompt reply! Which one do u find yourself grabbing more and what genre do you usually listen to?
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
chessmasterI've been listening to both for the past couple weeks, and I seem more drawn to the 58Xs than I am the 6XXs. They're definitely more lively, more interesting sound. They're more of a fun headphone to listen to, and I listen to everything under the sun. I see what people say when they say that 6XX can be boring since it's so neutral, but they're still a great headphone. It's just that the 58X are more fun to listen to and are $50 cheaper.
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
chessmasterI'm kind of going back and forth between the two. I listen to a variety of music such as classic rock, film scores, classical, jazz, blues, pop.
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 22, 2018
BassmanI'll try that and see how it goes. You can even see in the picture I provided how much less clamp is on the 6XX now compared to the 58X.
Jul 22, 2018
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