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Jul 23, 2018
Do these really not ship till end of September? or is that rough estimate? Haven't bought too much stuff of Massdrop and am SUPER excited to receive these.
Jul 23, 2018
waltr0nNot entirely sure, some people are saying it's getting shipped earlier but I think that's for people who bought theirs when this drop opened again. Hopefully not that late.
Jul 23, 2018
waltr0nMy guess is they estimated the shipping to be a little later in case there’s any delays. You might be lucky and get them early September or even earlier.
Jul 24, 2018
waltr0nI ordered mine on Feb, was supposed to ship in July but thankfully shipped by mid May.
Jul 24, 2018
HeavyboxerAwesome , how are you liking them? I just joined yesterday, expected to ship end of Sept.
Jul 24, 2018
Diego32320If you're coming from el cheapo cans, these will have sex with your eardrums constantly, but some might mistake the warm signature sound as weak treble. Make no mistake, it covers all notes in a beautiful way.
If you're already used to hi fidelity sound, then these will greatly reduce fatigue, and have you listening to music for hours on end as the design is super comfortable.
Note that it falls way short on being airy or open, compared to the 4xx so soundstage is the only drawback... but in no way a deal breaker.
Jul 25, 2018
HeavyboxerI’m coming to these from a Logitech wireless headset, so fairly cheapo. Do you think it’s worth the upgrade, and what do you think about The Sennheiser 58X? I’m debating between the fulla 2 Dac/Amp or a used Schiit stack
Jul 25, 2018
Diego32320No idea about 58x and fulla 2. I have a modi multi + loki + magni 3 stack, and gets the 6xx going pretty well. Always buy a higher level is what I go for, since seeing how you're buying the 6xx, you will inevitably be hooked and purchase more equipment down the road.
I just purchased the audio-gd R2R-11 and now my schiit stack has finally powered down for a few days... think it's going to my wall of retirement soon.
Jul 25, 2018
HeavyboxerThanks for the input! And if youre looking for someone to sell the stack to, im gonna need an amp! I think you’re right about getting a higher level, that’s why I went with the 6XX, but I have to make sure I can afford a decent amp now.
Jul 25, 2018
Diego32320Sorry, I don't sell my equipment. :)I'm sure you can find lots and lots around.
Note that there are discussions about schiit being full of noise, distortion, etc... i don't hear it, just sharper than I'd like, but matches well with the darker 6xx tones.
Note that my littledot mk2 (with voskhod tubes) is a beautiful match with the 6xx. People say the darkvoice is even better, but I think the upgrade step is too shallow for me to make a purchase.
Jul 25, 2018
waltr0nHonestly, from the updates I've seem so far, people are waiting 2 months in average. I think we're in the same batch because my estimate is also end of september, but I'm guessing they will ship end of August.
Jul 31, 2018
PedroGabrielUPDATE: Got the message today they are in the warehouse and estimated to ship Aug 10!! So exited.
Jul 31, 2018
waltr0nthe hype is real :) but I got the notice yesterday - mine are already shipped \o/
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