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Apr 10, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
The good: They are very comfortable and very light. If you like the sound these might be the most comfortable headphones you can get.
The bad: They sound detailed on first brush but what they actually do (like some dynamic headphones that have electrostatic envy and want to bring out a lot of detail) is wildly overemphasize the treble. It's positively harsh. It simply can't do bass. I ordered one and noticed that on a few songs it would VIBRATE when there was a decent amount of bass. I returned it (excellent service Massdrop) and was going to buy another thinking I had a bad one but managed to audition someone else's AKG K7XX first and it had the same issues. To me it seems like they tried hard to change the character of the headphones by changing the tuning and ended up ruining the headphones because the drivers aren't designed for the tuning they were going for. This is particularly evident with the bass. These drivers basically weren't designed to do bass and by increasing the bass in the tuning the bass frequently gets to levels where the drivers just can't handle it.
I've heard people say it's a monitoring headphone, not a listening one. That's is absolute bull$h!t. If you want something that highlights flaws you are much better off getting a Sony MDR-V6 or Sony MDR-7506 (both are basically the same except the color and model number) at less than half the price. Those emphasize the treble too but still sound good and if you EQ them you can get a really flat response.
It's not even remotely close to as good as the K702 or in the same ballpark as the K712, which I A/B'd it with at the AKG/Harman store in Manhattan. The K702 is pretty good and the K712 was quite excellent, though I probably wouldn't buy either at full retail price. Sorry Massdrop. As far as I'm concerned total fail on this one. Looks like a K712 if you want to look stylish, actual sound quality is not even in the same ballpark.
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