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Aug 29, 2018
Update Nov 21st..... Went back to using the Gold Lion with Tidal HI-FI as opposed to Spotify premium that was previously used in my original observations. With additional break-in i can now report that it is definitely worth replacing the stock tube with the gold lion. Extremely detailed with smooth transparent highs. This is a superior tube. All the negatives vs the Harmonix that i originally talked about are gone. BTW i now keep my amp on all the time and the sound continues to improve via greater smoothness. Previous review....... I replaced my stock Harmonix tube with the Gold Lion. No contest, the Harmonix was superior sonically due to its outstanding smoothness using a hifiman 400i. The Lion sounded very course in comparison to the buttery smoothness of the Harmonix. Hence if you have a bright pair of phones you may be dissapointed with the Gold Lion . Massdrop was probably correct that they found the Harmonix to be best overall. The Gold Lion however may be better if you are using a "polite" phone like the Sennheiser hd6xx.
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