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Aug 16, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
The build is pretty good for a $10 buds, I'll give it that. Very light weight, which I liked very much. It sat comfortably in my small sized Asian ears after 5 hours of continuous usage, which is great.
However sound-wise, I'm completely disappointed. I wasn't expecting much, but I thought it would be at least on par with VE Monk Plus, which it didn't. The bass is there, but completely disappear when in loud surroundings e.g. commuting despite having in-ear buds with good seals. Mids & trebles are so high that it produces muddy sound signatures. Clarity is a nay-nay. Overall it sounds just OK-ish, but I definitely wouldn't trade my Monk Plus for it.
I'm gonna shove this down my deepest bag compartment as the final backup of my other two backup Monk Plus-es, & hope that I will never have to use it.
This gets two stars from me for its build & comfy-ness.
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