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Aug 17, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
When I bought a HIFIMAN product, I expected the product to at lest be better than the cheap <$5 earphones you can get at any store but sadly this was the reality when I tested the product. These feel cheap and sound cheap. The audio quality was clearly distorted at certain ranges that should not occur on earphones that cost this much. I didn't expect great quality sound but this was just abominal. I could even get better sound with Skullcandy earphones for a lot less. Even though I know HIFIMAN specializes in magnetic planar headphones, I did not expect for them to sell something worse than cheap knock off earphones. I am even scared that it will stop working soon based on the material they used for the wire. I trusted HIFIMAN to deliver something decent as I own a pair of HIFIMAN HE-400i's but this just puts into question the decaying of the company's quality control and makes me not trust them to make decent products anymore.
Aug 20, 2018
ranvocdIf they could take returns I would be somewhat happy, but I don't think they do.
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