Qball50The savings are from skipping the already non-existent QA from their production.
Probably some clipping, driver mismatches, and maybe even the assembly falling apart because they forgot to glue it (all of which exists on their planars anyway lmao) as part of the HIFIMAN experience.
I'll still get these because like many I am a masochist.
texindusHaha, I totally understand what you mean. My HE-560 was returned twice, but every time handled very quick and to my full satisfaction. My HE-400 (the old original, with grill mod and Dekoni pads) still goes strong and had no issues, as does the unbreakable HM901... The RE-400....not so much.
koolpepAdorama released a 560 V2 using what looks like Sundara-tier construction. My V1 560's are still intact but still a slap in the face, oh well though.