Hi Everyone,
We were able to speed up our second planned shipment and secure 3,850 more units without any delay of the first 2,950! (There is now a total of 6,800 units available.)
We’re almost out of the first 3,000 unit shipment, but we now have an additional 3,800 as of 10am PDT on July 19, 2018. Enjoy!
Jrb3434This is listed on the description page.. (This is how it usually works on massdrop)
Shipping: All orders will be shipped by Massdrop. Estimated ship date is Aug 17, 2018 PT.
expontheriseI understand this, but why all the “we have 3000 ready togo right now” propaganda? If ya gotm shipm. If you don’t...... don’t say you do. Pretty simple if you ask me.
CEE_TEEWhat happened to the other 300 units? I've been starting at this drop for a week, waiting to hear back from friends so I could order for them. 10 minutes ago I checked and the drop was getting close to the 6,800 limit, so I decided I would order them now. Boot up my computer, and the drop is over because the unit limit was changed. What's up with that? Are those 300 units going to come back? This just feels so unfair.
Jrb3434That would be good, but it still sucks that we have to wait. I don't know, just think they could've been a little more considerate and eased into the reduction of units.
KPopOGCould have been a bit more proactive and ordered a pair. $10! This was not a life changing decision and they did a nice thing by listening to the complaints regarding shipping.
SemicolnI decided I'd give them a shot with just one pair and then if I like them, hop on-board a little while after it opens up again
hopefully I don't love em so much that I feel like I missed out by not ordering multiple sets
SemicolnThere were 6,530+ units ordered when the drop ended. The limit was set to 6,800, and then to 6,500. They changed the limit after they went over.
oldnoobYes, but I was waiting to hear from friends. I was planning on ordering 5+ pairs, and I was waiting until it was almost the last minute, because I was waiting for responses. I was ready to order, went to boot my computer, and by then the drop was over. This whole situation is horrible for me, because now I have to tell 5 people that I can't get them the earbuds.
KPopOGHorrible? Really? Finding out you have cancer and just two weeks to live is horrible. Missing out on some $10 IEM’s for your friends, eh, not so much. They were up for 3 weeks, plenty of time to make those decisions. I’m sure everyone will survive when they find out they have to wait a few more weeks. Hang in there!
BassmanOk, maybe not horrible. Maybe even not that bad at all.
But, is it crazy to be a little disappointed at how Massdrop handled it? I think you gotta at least agree with me there.
KPopOGPM me. I ordered 2 just to show support for fixing the shipping mess. I’ll send you a pair gratis. You can then determine, if and when these drop again, how quickly you act. Also easier to convince your friends to buy if they see what it is you’re talking about.
KPopOGYeah it is, because they were very clear that there was a limited quantity and that the drop would end when the quantity ran out, and you had *three weeks* to place your order.
oldnoobOh, you're too kind. Don't worry about it. I think in a way this might have worked out fine anyway, because a blue box for MEE IEMs just went up. I'll probably go with those instead. Thanks though!