I really do like how they sound, but the build quality is the same as a $5 pair from CVS. The plastic holding the cups likes to bend when you turn your head, and they break in half after only a few weeks. Massdrop were awesome and sent me 2nd pair, and these are broken after only 1 week. The same thing happened with my friend's pair too.
RawrzyyySame to me, first pair broke and got a second, then the second pair broke. My friends pair of HE-400i had the same issue. Hifiman has got a serious problem with this plastic holding the ear cups.
RawrzyyyMy pair just broke from stress fractures along along the ultra cheap plastic. I'm about to request a second pair. If not, then I will just have to get a new reliable pair from somewhere else.
TaylorDCan anyone confirm this is stronger? Making it a $175 pair of headphones sucks, but I feel like it'd be worth it if I could actually use them again.
RawrzyyyI can confirm is stronger. I am using it on my pair. I contacted Hifiman directly though, and asked about the upgrade and they were able to work with me. My HE350's were just taken for a week at the beach and 24 hours in the car (non-contiguous) for pretty much continuous listening. I have detected no weakness or cracking or anything from the new yokes. Would still be listening with them if my 58X and 4XX hadn't come in while I was on vacation lol.
It's recommended for any of Hifiman's with the comfort strap with the old fragile yokes. But seriously, CONTACT Hifiman Directly, and ask what they can do for you in regards to the new strap. For real.
RawrzyyyNP my dude. I feel like I got really lucky with contacting support, as they upgraded me. I didn't want to tell people they would definitely have the same happen to them, because who knows, but I had it happen, and it definitely seems to be stronger. Good luck!