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May 8, 2018
do these sound the same as the 400i?
May 9, 2018
Jeff-DExcellent question
May 9, 2018
KioshiI ordered it any way (thank zeos for my empty wallet) but I would still like to know. I did some research and found people saying it sounds closest to the 400i but not exactly the same.
May 9, 2018
Jeff-DYea zoes pantera empty my wallet too
May 9, 2018
Mohannad13Damn Zeos got us again!
May 10, 2018
Real.IllusionsWell this Zeos didn't empty my wallet. I am still curious about these before I take the plunge. Any real answers out there?
May 10, 2018

This is Zeos he is a very good, in depth headphone reviewer.
May 10, 2018
Jeff-DI absolutely know him lol. He's funny and all over the place, I enjoy his videos. But in terms of actual real reviews I don't know that I trust him much anymore so I like to ask your average Joe who did not receive something as a gift to review etc. Either way, I have to say I should've went ahead and bought first and asked later lol, because I missed the drop. But I am sure I will be able to nab a pair for a bit less than this already good price from someone or I'll just order them the next time these drop. That should be around the time everyone from this drop receives theirs in the summer. This way I might be surprised for Christmas with them or maybe even New Years lol.
May 10, 2018
Kioshiwell Ill report back when I get them if you still haven't found your answer by then.
May 10, 2018
KioshiActually I find zeos better than other reviewer like dms3tv or metal 571 or tyl. I only had ath m50 and every thing he said about it was true.
May 10, 2018
Mohannad13Thank you Jeff-D, I look forward to it. And Fair enough Mohannad. I learned that being an audiophile is pretty subjective. I personally like all the names you've mentioned, for their different but, in my humble and personal opinion, close to accurate reviews. I think out of all the names you mentioned I like Metal571 the most. Zeos is funny but I can almost never get a straight answer from his reviews. He is decent entertainment for me though.
May 10, 2018
KioshiI agree with you in some reviews like the dt 880 zeos did not tell if it sound good or bad but other than that zeos is very accurate now he supports josh velor yea he is good but not better than the names i mentioned above
May 10, 2018
How does it perform with video games
May 10, 2018
It's alright Thanks for your explanation
May 10, 2018
Thanks for your opinion :)
May 10, 2018
Thanks for your input. I think I will likely grab them at some point, maybe used if I can find them. I don't know if id be using them for gaming but I will certainly try that out when I do. I like closed for gaming (DT770, M50X's) also but I do also like enjoy HD650's for gaming..
May 10, 2018
Absolutley right
May 11, 2018
Jeff-D"In-depth" You aren't lying. You get a headphone "review", a story on his breakfast, his plans for tomorrow, what he likes with his bubble bath and his favorite wine paring with steak.
May 11, 2018
acebb6LMAO how to describe Zeos in one sentence.
May 11, 2018
acebb6Spot on lol.
May 11, 2018
KioshiIs the hd 650 that good with gaming ? And how do you compare the sound of dt770 to the 50x ? I have got m50 it has very pretty balanced sound but it is completely uncomfortable
May 11, 2018
Mohannad13The 650 is my top favorite right now for gaming and music. I have the DT770's and the M50X's as well and I like the Dt770 for gaming and music as well. Same for the M50x's when I wear them. I don't use them too often purely because my head is a bit too small for them. They were uncomfortable when I first got them and I couldn't wear them for more than a couple hours without discomfort, but then I replaced the pads and it made them miles better. But still, my head's a bit small for them. I am happy with all 3 of those you mentioned. My preferred order of favs are HD650, DT770 when I want to immerse in my gaming and tune out my surroundings, and then M50x last due to head strap size. I don't think I'd ever get rid of them though, so that should say a lot.
May 11, 2018
Mohannad13Do you own the Fidelio x2's? If so I think your are all set there because those are awesome cans. For the m50x's buy replacement pads and keep em for when you want that closed sound as well.
May 11, 2018
KioshiWhat do you use to power the 650s? Amp wise
May 11, 2018
KioshiThanks for your amazing answer but do you prefer the x2 over the hd 650 ? And for what use ?
May 11, 2018
The proplem is with zeos He said that if you want to improve the experience with m50 you need hybird flat hm5 pads with thin spong between the pads and the driver If you didn't do that the highs will be lethal
May 11, 2018
acebb6Does anyone really know what that cat looks like???
May 11, 2018
KioshiI completely agree with you. When I hear metal571 talking, I know that he knows what he is talking about (I just wish he would do more reviews like Zeo). Whereas Zeo likes to throw out vague ideas about the audio products that he is reviewing. In other words, his reviews aren't as concise and to the point. After watching his 40-minute-reviews, I am still confused about many aspects of those products except for the fact that they sound good/bad based on his opinion.
BuckabooHe’s a pretty big dude, at first his face doesn’t seem to match his voice (soft, not as expressive as his voice) but then it makes sense.
I do wish he shared more objective observations about the gear and consistently gave an overall description of a headphone before launching into his opinions. It does sometimes seem like he loves or hates a product, and the only “why” you get is described in hand waving and different grunts. The headphone recording videos are useless, as the sound is retuned and distorted by the amateur mic setup, Zeos’ audio chain, youtube compression, the viewer’s audio chain, and the colorations and limitations of your own speakers or headphone. I always picture people that like the recording videos as listening with their phone’s speakerphone, going “Oh, YES, this one has much more bass than the other headphone, yes...”
I think it’s fair to say that a reviewer HAS to be confident in his opinions, even to the extent where a reviewer might seem like he has a big ego by necessity, but even when he is “on a mission” around a CanJam with an assistant he doesn’t seem like a jerk.
I also think the reason why he is popular is because he is a livewire, and his reactions are entertaining. I don’t come to learn about headphones or inform my next purchase, but I have watched a lot of his videos because of his reactions. He even influences me somewhat, where I’m really wishing my DAP started up faster and had twice the battery life, even though 10 hours gives me more than a day’s worth of listening. Overall, I like him being part of the community.
ChiropractorOh, yeah, sometimes his videos are WAAAY too long, haha. I’ve fallen asleep a few times during his longer videos XD.
May 11, 2018
ChiropractorExactly, and I really don't like looking for info on a product, finding it only to leave more confused than I was at times. I wish Metal571 would come back or drop more consistent videos but I imagine the reality is he cannot have all the headphones. He would likely be better off if we sent him stuff to review like Zeos fans do.
May 11, 2018
Mohannad13I apologize, I might've missed the question. I have listened to the x2's but do not own them, I own the 650's. I love my 650's and I wouldn't mind owning the x2's I just never bought a pair. They both sound great to me and are great cans.And I think you asked, or maybe someone else asked me but I use the Mayflower ARC Dac/Amp to power my headphones and I also use the Magni 3 on occasion. The Mayflower gives me that extra base when I need it and I can use it to plug in my ModMic to game with. I am also looking to buy a tube amp and test that sound out but I have not decided which yet.
May 11, 2018
iishowoffSorry I answered this in the wrong thread. I mainly use the Mayflower ARC Dac/Amp because I can use it to plug in my ModMic and game with excellent sound. And it has a dsp button which is basically bass boost and that really gives me the bass I need if I'm listening to hip hop, edm etc. songs that are bass hungry. I also have a Magni 3 that I use occasionally and is very good when connected to the ARC as a Dac.
KioshiI think Metal571 still does review; wasn’t too long ago he reviewed the HD 660 S. I think he takes his time using the headphones before reviewing them, and also I think he doesn’t have quite the funds to do reviews full-time.
May 11, 2018
EvshrugYea I saw that one. I think you're right too, makes sense he would take his time also.
May 12, 2018
EvshrugHey its been a while. How is everything going with your audio equipment lately?
May 12, 2018
Kioshii own X2's, after i got them i sold my hd650's. low end on the x2 is awesome, they are also suitable for gaming. I pair them with fiio q1 mark ii on the go. if they die one day i'm planning to get hd630vb, i prefer them over hd800 S lol.
May 12, 2018
fl1ngsl1ngDo you find a big difference in clarity and soundstage between the hd650 and the x2 ?
May 12, 2018
Jeff-DHey Jeff-D! Sorry if it seems like it’s been awhile... I check Massdrop basically every day, but I don’t always have something worth saying 😅
My audio adventures continue, though the pace has somewhat slowed. I also wondered about upgrade cables, and after a lot of scepticism and then a few convincing demos (the only way to really know), I jumped into the deep end with an all-silver cable from Wireworld. It was expensive, but without changing the FR of the headphone I bought it for, it provided a great upgrade in revealing a more layered, nuanced sound. I don’t want to go much more into detail on an HE-4XX drop, though I’m sure Larry from Wireworld would make great upgrade cables for HiFiman, especially if you find a headphone signature you really like and just want to elevate it. Of course I’m curious about this HE-4XX, as I had the opportunity to borrow an HE-400 with velour pads from Mad Lust Envy back in the day. I’m wondering if these are less V-Shaped than those... or if those would sound better off the higher end gear I have today. The draw of the HE-400 was BASS, but (on my gear back then) it pushed the vocals into the background. This HE-4XX is supposed to be more balanced.
To go back off-topic but still talk about my audio equipment... I’m actually kinda proud that I just cleaned up my home office/listening room. Just TOO MANY shipping boxes for headphones and a few other things accumulated in the past year, and I had saved them wondering if I would have to mail them back or sell old stuff. Now, the floor is clear (and there’s room for a guest air bed if someone comes by!), and in a weird way I’m happy there is only 10 headphone retail boxes in the closet 😅 Still stacked pretty high...
May 13, 2018
EvshrugWell I'm glad you're enjoying your new clean space that's always nice. It can feel so refreshing. I know what you mean, I have so many boxes laying around but I am going home from my apartment near my college soon so I just keep telling my self I will use them for packing stuff up haha. How is that silver cable sounding? Also ill let you know how the 4xx sounds when I get it. Hopefully it will fill the hole waiting for my 6xx has made haha.
Jeff-DI definitely found the [larger] boxes very handy when moving from my college apartment back to my mom’s house, and again when moving back out with a roommate (and now I have a permanent roommate, her name’s Christine! Oh, and the cat, Rachael, but she’s there for emotional support rather than supporting the rent). Small ones... it’s tempting to keep them, especially for resale (boxes aren’t free!?), but most of mine had been there for a year, and we just signed another year lease on our townhouse. We’re going to need bigger boxes when we actually move into a house one day!


“Mmh, what’s this smell like? Oh, a door.”
Ok, so there’s still a fair number of boxes to the left, but they’re not all mine! And they hold my PSVR or are large enough to hold other stuff. The box from the floor lamp makes a great wastebucket! Yes, my audio collection grew past the “maybe I can stretch for one really good $80 headphone and a $20 amp” college days 😁
EDIT: Since this post already went way off topic (sorry, hope it was at least still a bit entertaining), here’s a before and after of my little garden from yesterday:

May 13, 2018
Mohannad13I have had X2's for a year now and recently got the HD6XX just to see what everyone is raving about. X2's are much wider, better separation and really pronounced bass. Built quality is best I've seen.
I pair them with Fiio X5 ii and E12k amp, this works well for x2 but not for Hd6xx, producing a harsh unpleasant sound. I just ordered a dragonfly red to see if the hd's pair better with it.
Overall, I'm enjoying the clarity, immersion and bass of X2's. Only some 60-70's dont sound very good when vocals/guitar are all mixed into one channel without much crossover (Hendrix /doors). For those songs and blues guitar I'm enjoying the HD6XX as it's more laid back and intimate.
May 14, 2018


I am familiar with the box life. I get EVERYTHING online lol. I see we have a similar desk setup lol. I even have a trashcan behind my chair XD. I have the budget version set up tho. Its an offbrand chair and Ikea desk that I got for free from a guy who graduated. Those are also 50$ "gaming" headphones. They are decent in locating the location of sound but I have to focus to find the source of the sound in games. They are also super staticy and have insanely muddy bass.
Jeff-DMy desk is IKEA too! They make good stuff. Our setups are not too dissimilar, just mine is after more time. Though I didn’t have a nice chair at your stage, just a cheap hand-me-down.
I haven’t heard the Philips X2, but i’ve read a lot about it and the HE-4XX. I think either one would be a “fun” colored compliment to the HD 6XX, which is like a nice pair of parlor speakers. The X2 and HE-4XX are more similar than disseparate in sound style, except for build quality. While the X2 and HE-4XX are both more balanced than their respective ancestors, the X1 and HE-400, I think that if you’re going for a more unique sound then you might as well pick the HE-4XX. I probably would have a HiFiman by now, if it wasn’t for my wife explicitly telling me I can’t buy anymore headphones.
So, don’t tell her I got in on the IndieGoGo campaign for the Audeze Mobius ;)
May 14, 2018
EvshrugThat was awesome to read. I was wondering if i should have gotten the x2 instead of the hifiman since the soundstage isn't wide on the 4xx and the 6xx. I was wondering if I would be missing out on something especially in a gaming or movie setting. LOL if my gf knew I bought the 4xx i'd be dead.
MrrtnHD 650 pairs something magically with the FiiO X7, though if you like more bass quantity I could see you preferring the Philips X2, Fostex THX00, or Sennheiser HD 630VB. There’s nothing wrong with liking a little color, bass, or soundstage, it’s all just a vehicle to make you happy listening to music and other audio 😉
Not saying you listen loud, but I do advise everyone who enjoys audio, and doesn’t want ringing sounds in their ears at random times, to practice good listening habits so you can listen late into life. It’s not a mind over matter thing, it’s a permanent irreversible damage thing:
Over 1 hour of exposure to 94 dB or louder, about as loud as a gas lawnmower, is enough to make you soften or lose some frequencies.
Jeff-DI definitely love soundstage... but even HD 800 don’t have ”enough” soundstage to sound out of your head like speakers, all the time. Surround DSPs make a MUCH more significant difference in that way. I like Creative and Sennheiser’s efforts in virtual surround the best right now (GSX 1000 is my fav!), though I also joined the Smyth Realizer crowdfunding campaign two years ago and the Mobius is supposed to have really good surround too (though it only works on the Mobius). If you wanna talk more about that, start a new topic and tag me @Evshrug.
The HD 650 wasn’t at all what I was expecting from reviews (which is why I always say if I haven’t heard something). I thought it would be a warm, bass or mids strong, blurry veiled mess. But it isn’t. I found it to sound really even-keeled and balanced, nothing in a highlight, but it has a nice sense of solidity, is comfortable to listen to or wear for long periods of time. Most of all, though it doesn’t give you something you can easily put your finger on right away, once you let it play through three songs or so it has a beguiling ability to draw you in and leave you too charmed to notice the passing of time.
The HE-400 (and I think this HE-4XX) is easier to demonstrate to friends that “Wow!“ moment so they “get” why you’re getting into higher end audio. So I think they can co-exist and provide a nice contrast.
May 14, 2018
EvshrugI see so the 4XX seems like it will be a more fun headphone while the 650 will be more accurate and pleasant to listen to for longer periods of time. So I can imagine the 650 being my, wear this all day, headphone and the 4xx as my fun, mix it up with an exciting sound signature, headphone.
At this point I can only really speculate and read what other people have said. I seriously cant wait to hear what High end cans will sound like. I am really hoping that they blow me away and give me what I am looking for. I honestly don't know if I prefer the v shape curve or a more neutral curve. Here is what I think the difference will be. I have 2 sets of speakers as you saw. One of them has really strong bass and far extended bass but voices are overpowered by it and the highs are meh. the other set of speakers has less bass but the mids and highs are clearer and fuller they just sound so much better. I like the bassy speakers for hiphop or some electric stuff with a good bass line but other music that focuses on vocals or higher pitched notes are so much better on the other speakers. And of course I have my MEE PX but IEMs just sound small even if they are super clear.
I know the speakers that i have are around $100 and I've heard that good headphones are way better than similarly priced speakers so I really have my hopes set high that they will sound amazing.
Jeff-DLooking forward to your impressions of each!
May 14, 2018
Jeff-DWhy you did not mention the dt 880 ? I hear that it is very good headphones
May 14, 2018
Jeff-Dif these are the same as previous drops, the excellent Innerfidelity review suggests that these will sound basically identical to the 400i (impedance and response curves included).
May 14, 2018
Mohannad13Mention it in regards to what? Sorry its getting hard to follow everything since this has gotten so long.
@DaveinSM Thanks for letting me know I'm really glad to hear that. I want it to be the same as the 400i so I can compare it with what other people think about it and how it compares to other headphones.
May 14, 2018
Jeff-DI mean you had 650 , m50 , dt 770 correct ? And you have joined the drop of 4xx just like me And mentioned the 58x and x2 but you did not mentioned the dt 880 especially for soundstage i hear it is better than 6xx 4xx and x2 regarding the soundstage
May 15, 2018
Mohannad13No that would be @Kioshi Sorry XD.
May 15, 2018
EvshrugOrganizational skills: Needs improvement.
RayFLol, with regards to the photos? I’m surprised it is as organized as it is, considering how often all of it moves around. 😅
I do keep finding deals on coat hanger stands that get sold out before I make a move, but for the same purpose I’ve debated on making my own “headphone tree” that is like a coat stand except I could festoon it with headphones! Meh, someday.
RayFI’m surprised it’s as organized as it is, considering how everything moves around and is actively used and swapped out! I used to dabble in graphic design, play video games, every once in awhile I stream or make a YouTube video, I write often...
Stuff in the office, from Massdrop: AK Racing Chair two of the Vivo Monitor Mount arms Reylight Pineapple 2x AAA Brass Lumintop light (lost my Massdrop Brass light) Couple of knives Creative BlasterX Katana Sennheiser x Massdrop PC37X PS Audio Sprout II review unit Peak Design bag and straps One of a pair of Vorso spinning tops, the other one is with my Dad so we can be reminded of each other despite the states and miles between us ... uh, I think there’s more stuff too, but I forget. 😁
May 15, 2018
EvshrugWhat the world needs is your spin on this topic:
May 15, 2018
Evshrugsounds interesting I like that idea, the headphone tree.
Jeff-DNot to far from the pop-up kiosk clothing store idea I had for my sister, whereby the clothes racks would fold up like umbrellas to lock up in a smaller secure closet at the end of the day.
@RayF , I really like that list, something I lived by as a kid or realized I just had to give in and do in order to keep up with college and most people around me. Reading lists like the one in your link is actually encouraging, because it reminds you of the good habits you already do and how most of the others are in reach, too.
In grade school, I almost always forgot what my homework assignment was by the time I got home. My mom is a HUGE fan of Franklin Covelli day planners, but we learned pretty quickly that I found paper planners boring and I just wouldn’t put time into it... so we saved up and I got a Palm PDA. It was more interesting, but I still resisted spending time organizing like it was an extra school subject with its own homework assignment/chore, and I hated the idea of mapping out the whole day/week into a routine at the cost of spontaneity, BUT I gave in and I get a LOT done knowing what I’m supposed to do and when I am almost done. I build in “freetime” for spontaneity for when my wife leaves for evening work. Reoccuring to-Do lists keep the bills paid without stress, the trash not getting rotten, and a sense that you did something with the day.
i really like the “bucket list” idea. Spending too much time working, sometimes you feel like there’s nothing fulfilling to do when you get home, so you veg on the couch watching TV or YouTube or a dumb phone game, while you could be having a richer and more sat experience instead. I need to work on that, and somehow convincing my wife to help with house chores. Even just not falling asleep on the couch and not leaving her almost full tea cups on TV dinner trays or the kitchen sink for days at a time would help.
however, I need to get back into the full schedule, and sleep schedule. I still spend a certain amount of time on things, but my work doesn’t have a shift schedule, so I’ve been lazy about going to bed and waking up at a normal time. My wife works “Do Not Disturb” for the mornings, so other than waking her up so she’s not late (lately been doing that every morning) I don’t have anything to do in the morning, so I stay up late giving the cat attention or playing with my phone.
on that note, I realize I’ve fully derailed the thread and stayed up stupid late. When people read this later, wish past me that is writing this a quick quieting if the mind and peace finding sleep 😅
May 16, 2018
Mohannad13HD650/6XX are good for gaming, as long as you don't need excellent imaging & 3d positioning. For non-fps gaming they're great, comfy and cause 0 fatigue, so you can wear them for days without issues.
BTW I also own (and like) the M50x, but the stock earpads were a real pain. I didn't enjoyed them for gaming until I replaced the pads (brainwavz pleather work like a charm, sheepskin leather is even better because it's more breathable and feels great on your skin). I strongly encourage you to replace the stock pads for something better, pleather or true leather (velour usually affects the sound too much, killing the bass and making treble even more fatiguing). Brainwavz are a safe choice, but you can try some others too, there's plenty of options. Believe me, with proper pads the M50x become super comfortable, you'll be able to wear them for days, and they're a great complement for the HD650 because they offer just the opposite (v-shaped sound, closed back with good isolation, strong sub-bass).
Eli35Pads make a surprising difference. I also like sheepskin, it‘s thin (less heat trapped) and more pliable than Protein Leather, so it conforms to your face and forms a better seal. In addition to Brakinwavz, I’ve had good results with the @dekoniaudio pads that pop up here on Massdrop from time to time.
May 16, 2018
Jeff-DI own both HD6XX and HE4XX, both are great in a different way. I agree with most ppl here in terms of the sound of both : HD6XX balanced, laid back sound, warm, enjoyable, somewhat non-exciting, make everything sound "just right"; HE4XX bright, instant "wow", in-your-face sound, detailed, airy, reveal every minor flaws (small clipping, random noises, whatever) only sounding good with decently mastered records.
Initially I got kinda dissapointed first time I heard the HD6XX, coming from the fun v-shaped M50x they sounded dull and boring, but the more I listened to them the more I liked the warmy relaxed sound of the senns. And they improved substantially when I upgraded to a Darkvoice 336se amp (even with stock tubes) compared to the Little Dot I+ (hybrid tube/ss amp) with upgraded tubes & opamp. On the other hand, the HE4XX was a instant surprise, the planar sound is so addictive! Both need a proper amp to sound good, but the HE4XX need a shitload of power while the HD6XX are pretty easy to drive (as long as your amp has decent power output under 300ohm load).
Now, which one would I choose? If you can afford it, go for both (with an amp too, of course). If I had no amp, I'd probably go with the HD6XX since they sound louder from my smartphone and pc. If I only had a budget solid state amp that delivered just enought power to drive them, I'd probably go with the HE4XX. But if you can afford a better amp (specially an OTL) the HD6XX is one of these headphones you'll never get tired of, it's a safe choice like the somewhat pretty girl you've been dating for months and you enjoy even when she's not that exciting, while the HE4XX are the "hot crazy bitch" that you meet a few weeks ago, you know she'll get you some serious headaches but at the same time you can't get her out of your mind, and she can make you feel in heaven or turn your life into a living hell.
P.S.: in case you didn't know, both HD6XX and HE4XX are open back and provide zero noise isolation in both ways (they leak A LOT, specially the HE4XX), so they're only good on quiet environments where you won't disturb anyone.
May 16, 2018
Eli35I recently joined the drop of the HD 6xx but I already have the 4xx and ath-m40x with the brainwavz pads. Do you think that HD 6xx will be a good complement? if you can also join the drop of HD 58x or do you think they would not make a good complement? I have the dac/amp The element and the Darkvoice amp with the standard tubes at the moment but I have a shuguang treasure and a Vintage RCA 6AS7G tubes on the way.
May 16, 2018
MiiD82Indeed, HD6XX are a great complement for the HE-4XX, excellent choice. I don't own nor heard the HD58X myself, so I'm not sure, but I would say that they don't make enough difference or excel in any way compared to the HD6XX so they might not be worth the extra cash. Darkvoice is a excellent amp for the HD6XX, you'll love it. I'm curious about your amp choice... Which headphones do you use with the Darkvoice? Because I tried my HE4XX with it and they sound awful, low impedance headphones are terrible match for most OTL amps and the DV is no exception.
May 16, 2018
Eli35I use the dac / amp the element to move the he4xx. I tried the he4xx with the darkvoice and I thought it was because the valves are unburned and because they are standard but I prefer the sound of the element except for a couple of songs. I also have a little bear b4 in my collection and the truth is that in that case the thing is very balanced, I got very good musical experiences with the DAC of the element and with the little bear b4 paired. the culprit of emptying my pocket with the little bear b4 was zeos since I discovered it in the review of the he4xx right after joining the drop and waiting for my desired headphones. I tried to find a friend before they took me home. I have the Darkvoice for a short time and it has also arrived earlier than expected. Your purchase is made for HD 6xx that will arrive a little later than expected.
May 16, 2018
Eli35This was a fun opinion to read. Thanks for your input. I have the Aune X1S and ordered both the 6xx and 4xx. I figured since the 4xx cost the difference between the 6xx and 650 it was like I was getting it for free. Ill tell everyone what I think about them when they get here. I'm really excited to finally hear these cans and finally experience what ive been reading about and discussing with everyone.
May 17, 2018
MiiD82I also prefer the sound of the HE4XX when connected to solid-state amps, the best being my LD I+ (which is hybrid, like the b4). My LD I+ with upgraded tubes and opamp tames the highs a bit while giving a little extra warmth, I'd say it's a great match for the HE4XX, so probably the b4 is also good (maybe better, IDK). Given their relatively low impedance, I can understand why the HE4XX sound kinda bad when driven by a high output impedance amp like the Darkvoice, they do not match well with each other.
May 17, 2018
Jeff-DLooking forward to your impressions, there's so much to love on both, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
May 17, 2018
Eli35Thanks I'm really excited I just hope I can survive the wait lol.
May 17, 2018
Ah, otro hispanoparlante! Me alegro de poder ayudarte un poco en esto de la audiofilia, no soy tampoco ningún gurú en esto pero si mi opinión es de utilidad ya me doy por satisfecho. Respondiendo a tus preguntas: 1- mi DAC principal es el Topping D30, calidad-precio es una ganga. He leído mucho acerca de él, y visto reviews muy exhaustivas con mediciones de todo tipo, y no tiene mucho que envidiar a modelos de gamas mucho más altas. 2- sí, uso el LD I+ con los HE-4XX y el DV336se con los HD6XX, usando el mismo D30. 3- en mi LD I+ tengo dos pares de tubos que me gustan mucho: Voskhod 6ZH1P-EV y Mullard M8161/CV4015. El primero destaca por el realismo y la calidez de su sonido, el segundo por lo silenciosos que son (no producen ningún ruido de fondo) y lo "aireados" o "espaciosos" que suenan. 4- por lo que tengo entendido, y mis mediocres oídos me dicen, los amplificadores con una alta impedancia de salida (como casi todos los de tipo OTL, como el DV336se) no producen el mejor sonido cuando se conectan auriculares de baja impedancia de salida (como la mayoría de planares, incluido el HE-4XX, o IEMs). Por contra, los Sennheiser HD6XX, dada su curva de impedancia (tienen un pico de más de 500ohm en la banda de 80-100Hz) tienen mejor respuesta de graves al ser alimentados por un amplificador de alta impedancia de salida, y como además los OTL sacan mucha más potencia con cargas de impedancia altas tiene potencia DE SOBRA para mover los HD6XX a un volumen muy bajo, minimizando la distorsión y los ruidos de fondo (que están ahí, pero son casi imperceptibles).
Si tienes más dudas, no dudes en preguntarme. Buena suerte en tu eterna búsqueda del mejor sonido posible :)
May 17, 2018
Jeff-DIf you NEED some new toy for playing in the mean time, I suggest you to buy the well-known Superlux HD668b: they're super cheap (under $30? not sure) but sound really good, semi-open back (almost full open, but without massive leak and just a little isolation), and with upgraded pads (most cheap generic Beyer/AKG replacement pads fit on them) they're surprisingly comfy even without any adjustment possibilities. And they're easy to drive, so no need for any amp.
May 17, 2018
Eli35Thanks for the advice. I bought my mom the AKG m220 pro. She isn't really using them so when I go home from college I might steal those till my better stuff gets here haha.
May 17, 2018
Eli35Ohhh siiiiiii!!!! Me he enterado de todo sin traductor!!! :P Compré el DV por su potencial con la serie HD de Sennheiser (600,650,6xx) pero pensaba que también combinaría bien con los he4xx. Tampoco sabía que el little bear b4 era híbrido y lo compré por su portabilidad y porque a ese ya le presuponía un buen emparejamiento con los he4xx por la review de zeos. Los he 4xx suenan muy bien con el dac/amp The element, los mueve con soltura, pero demasiado "analítico o claro" para mi gusto y hay en ciertas ocasiones que me gustaría tener esa magia que les da las válvulas que obtuve conectando el little bear b4 con el dac del element. Le estaba dando una oportunidad al DV ya que las válvulas eran de serie y están sin quemar pero creo que lo guardaré hasta que tenga los HD 6xx en mi poder, pero aún queda. Por otro lado......lo del little dot1.....por poco más de 100€ lo tengo en casa en 2 semanas😁🤔 puede que me haga con uno para sacar el máximo partido de los he4xx y poder alternar con el element, el little bear b4 supuestamente es para mí sistema portátil.😅
May 17, 2018
Jeff-Dto play the superlux 668b better than the 681. I'm with Eli35
May 17, 2018
MiiD82El LD I+ sale tirado de precio, y le da ese plus de calidez a los HE-4XX. En AliExpress creo recordar que salía muy bien de precio, o si no por eBay está. Si sale en Massdrop, te lo recomiendo, yo lo conseguí así con tubos mejorados (uno me vino defectuoso, pero me reembolsaron $30 con los que pude comprar tubos aún mejores). Este hilo de head-fi es una pequeña "biblia" del tube rolling en los amplis de la familia LD: . Y también puedes cambiar el opamp para ajustar un pelín más el sonido, no se nota mucho pero en auriculares tan detallados como los HE-4XX sí se aprecia algo de diferencia. Si te interesa lo del opamp rolling, te puedo pasar +info y sugerir algunos modelos ;)
May 17, 2018
Ambos (m40x y 681) sonarán muy bien desde el LD, y te recomiendo que evites activar la ganancia alta siempre que no tengas que subir el volumen por encima del 50% o estés moviendo auriculares de alta impedancia. Con la ganancia baja, el LD I+ tiene menos ruido de fondo y menor impedancia de salida, por lo que mueve mejor los auriculares muy sensibles y/o de baja impedancia.
Ah, opamp rolling es lo mismo que el tube rolling pero aplicado al opamp (amplificador operacional, un pequeño circuito integrado que es el que lleva a cabo la amplificación): cambiar el opamp de fabrica por otros mejores/diferentes para obtener un sonido diferente, más acorde a tu gusto. Como te dije, si te interesa te doy +info y sugerencias, los opamp son muy baratos: muchos modelos los encuentras por eBay a menos de $1/unidad, los más top rondan los $3-5, algún modelo premium cuesta mucho más pero ya no merece la pena. Ten en cuenta que no se nota mucho cambiar el opamp, digamos que el 70-80% de la coloración del sonido la dan los tubos y el otro 30-20% el opamp, pero sigue siendo divertido hacerte con una colección de chips e ir probando unos y otros ;)
May 18, 2018
Aquí tienes un par de enlaces de interés sobre lo del opamp rolling, no son específicos del LD pero sí que pueden servirte un poco como referencia:
Una cuestión a tener en cuenta es el "factor de forma" de los chips: el que utiliza el LD es el DIP8, el que tiene patillas largas para encajarse en un zócalo, pero algunos opamps sólo están disponibles en SOP8 que es más pequeño y está pensado para ir soldado sobre la placa. Existen adaptadores que permiten soldar un chip SOP8 sobre una pequeña placa y añadir pines para poderlo encajar en un zócalo DIP8, cuestan muy muy poco y las soldaduras son fáciles de hacer, pero has de tener soldador de estaño y un mínimo de maña (y ganas de hacer un poco de bricomanía).
Otra cuestión importante es que algunos opamp son "single", pero el LD necesita uno "dual" ya que ambos canales se amplifican por el mismo chip. Pero también existen adaptadores muy simples que permiten conectar dos opamp single en serie para formar uno dual, los hay que ya vienen montados incluso y son plug & play, pero si quieres ahorrar te recomiendo que compres las placas y los pines por separado y te los montes tú.
Como ves, el opamp rolling es un poco más artesanal que el tube rolling, y los resultados no son tan apreciables. Pero tiene su gracia, y cuesta tan poco que merece la pena aunque sea comprar un par de opamps para tener recambios o jugar un poco. Ah, no lo he dicho porque es más que evidente, pero para cambiar el opamp hay que abrir la tapa inferior del LD (quitar los 4 tornillos inferiores, dos en la parte frontal y dos en la parte trasera). Yo tengo mi LD con los tornillos siempre quitados, ya que para tenerlo sobre la mesa no hace falta ponerlos y así puedo cambiar los switches de ganancia (y selectores de familia de tubos) así como reemplazar el opamp cuando me apetece.
Por último, mis sugerencias de opamps: OPA627 (single DIP8, hermano "balanceado/estable" del OPA637, sonido natural y relajado, buen match con los HE4XX), OPA2228 (dual DIP8, relajado y cálido, sólo es estable con ganancia alta, buen match con los HE4XX), AD8066 (dual SOP8, sonido brillante y rápido, graves contundentes, buen match para los HD6XX), OPA2604 (dual DIP8, muy relajado y nada fatigante, algo "aburrido", buen match para auriculares con un sonido en v muy marcado como los ATH-M50x). Si sólo pudiera quedarme con un opamp, seguramente sería el OPA637, ya que es estable a cualquier ganancia y suena muy neutro, por lo que no suena mal con ningún auricular. Lo único "malo" del OPA627 es que es single, y por tanto hay que comprar al menos 2 unidades (yo compré 3 por menos de 4€) y un adaptador de doble DIP8 a single DIP8 (si lo quires ya montado, aquí tienes uno:
Esto ha sido más largo de lo que esperaba, wow! Espero que te sea de ayuda toda la info jajaja
May 18, 2018
No te preocupes, no son las soldaduras más difíciles de hacer, sobretodo si no te metes con los SOP8 (esos sí requieren algo más de precisión, porque las patillas están muy juntas). Puedes comprarte una placa perforada y una tira de pines, para ir practicando un poco. Los pines siempre vienen bien, y para estos adaptadores te hará falta tenerlos. Suerte!
Jun 10, 2018
Eli35Al final, el little dot 1+, quizás para más adelante, o el CTH tengo que investigarlo un poco más. 😉 Por cierto que tubos usas en tu darkvoice?? Tengo un actualización 👍 y tengo otro tubo pedido tb😂 El presupuesto de este mes para el hobby se ha ido en los DT 880 de 600 ohms. 😋
Jeff-DHeadphone Tree:

Aug 21, 2019
EvshrugIs that a mobuis I see? Very nice how is it? Also sorry I am not as active in here any more I am just really happy with what i have for now. Ever since I got the focal Elex it's just been a game changer.
Jeff-DReaching the endgame and satisfaction is the dream of many! No worries m8! The Möbius is funny. Objectively, the planar drivers perform well, the surround is good (especially after customizing your head size in the software), the features list is incredibly long, and many other positive things besides. It’s a more practical and versatile headphone than the HE-400i because of the closed back and optional Bluetooth, plus there’s no amping worries because it has one built in. Only thing I can objectively find fault with is the microphone, I have two friends who also use it and it sounds very processed, and the original firmware had a very quiet pickup. It’s boosted more in current firmware, and the processed sound is an issue inherent to Bluetooth when you use a two-way connection chat instead of just one-way output to the headphone, not Audeze’s fault. However, I almost never use mine. I think it’s still sitting on the same peg now as when I took that photo back in June. I think I just don’t like that it’s Bluetooth, lol. Obviously that’s a very personal opinion, and actually it was one of the main reasons I bought it (also the surround). However, I’m always switching between my computer, phone, AppleTV, Sony DAP (ZX300A, nice way to test the LDAC codec on Bluetooth), and FiiO DAP, not to mention sometimes I bring stuff to my friend’s or family’s house to share and demo, and Bluetooth pairing and hiding from one device or keeping it from auto-pairing to one device or another is a pain. It’s especially annoying when it seems I have to turn on and off the device 5 times or more to get it into pairing mode, because the stiff button has to be pushed very firmly at the right angle and held down to stay recognized as being “pressed.” Also, you always have to manage the battery on Bluetooth devices, and I get that enough with my EDCs (phone, watch). I also wish I could use it wirelessly AND have true surround, but Bluetooth can only send stereo signals (and the Möbius can imitate stereo speakers in front of you, which is cool, but it’s not the same as surround for gaming or movies). Those are my most logical complaints... but illogically, I’ll reach for my somewhat dated Momentum Wireless when I go on trips. It’s just as Bluetooth as the Möbius, and both have pretty long battery life. The Momentum is lighter and the earpads are softer though, the stock are some of the nicest leather I’ve felt, but I got ahold of some Dekoni suede prototypes that are just absolutely killer and have completely spoiled me. Right now, the Sennheiser PC37X is still my most used pair. I had borrowed the HE-400i, and since sent it back, but my ears tonally and tactilely (comfort) preferred the TH-X0 mk II (actually, I liked the TH-X0 baffle inside the Dekoni Blue with Nuggets on the headband for ultimate comfort and tuning) while I had both anyway. If I can find the right security Hex, I’m going to unscrew and remove the leather “comfort” strap from the TH-X0 and use Dekoni Nuggets there, too. The PC37X is actually being challenged for the position of most used right now, though, by the HD 660 S. No mic and since it’s still fresh from the box the clamp is still a bit firm, but it’s like an “unveiled” HD 650 or a “warmer” HD 800, an excellent halfway point between the two. I got to borrow a Focal Elear, and I can tell that it’s special and it has an impressive warm sound, but it’s heavy on the head, and less neutral/natural than the HD 660 S. I haven’t spent a lot of time with the Clear and no time with the Elex. I could see people loving the Elear, but ultimately it’s just heavier and bulkier than the HD 660 S, which is a very easy headphone to live with for almost all purposes (besides chat!!).
Jeff-DHow do you feel about the weight on the Elex? What makes it endgame for you? I’ve read very very favorable things about it, good choice.
Aug 22, 2019
EvshrugThey are heavy that is definately the biggest issue but for some reason I just feel like the elex sounds so life like. I think it's because of the impressive dynamic range since the diaphragm moves so much more than most headphones. The sound is so clear and all the sounds are nicely separated. I just really like them a lot. To me they sound like a more exciting hd650 it really does feel like it took those headphones to the next level. I think the 650 is actuailly a little better with voices but I feel like thats just a magic quality that no other headphone can really touch when compared to them. I also now have the sony WH1000XM3. Its the first blutooth headphones I have gotten. It was a little weird switching to closed back after using open so much for a while but I like them. I really got them for the noisecanceling because I take long train rides from NY to Boston every other week. They are really great for that. They are a little basss heavy but that is typical for closed back. I like good bass sometimes so I think they are fun headphones. They are not next level sound quality but they are nothing to sneeze at either. There is a noticible difference in sound quality when I plug them into my phone with the whire. I am using the lg v40 now and the built in dac is prety good. Also to be honest I kind of want some super high end planar headphones but I don't have as much disposable income. I just got a car so I need to be frugal for a while.
Jeff-DA car is more of a necessity than a TOTL headphone, unless that NY to Boston train can get you most other places you need to be. Hope you’re loving the car! And if you live in NYC, I hope (but don’t have much faith) it doesn’t get hit! Regarding the movement of the drivers and big bass, as the subwoofer guys say: “There’s no replacement for displacement.” HD 650 mids indeed are singularly special with vocals, I wish I had a Sony MDR-MA900 to compare side-by-side because that was the only other headphone remembered having a particularly magical representation of voices. Borrowed one back in, like, 2012 or something, but it was so bass and treble light that I’m sure the HD 650 (and Elex) are better extended.
Aug 28, 2019
EvshrugI'm glad to see conversation stills alive after more than a year lol, read back some posts, you guys are awesome! Wish I had time (and money) to spend with this kind of headphones, my only mid-game headphones are HD6XX, T-X0 and HE4XX. I even had to sell some headphones and other gear (DAC, IEMs, cables & stuff) to keep up with the rental, my startup company isn't doing so well and we're struggling to reach the market. One day, when I get my economic freedom back (hope soon or I'll get crazy, stress is killing me) I'll definitely get deep into audiophile gear again, but right now I can't afford it :'( but I'm glad you guys are, enjoy the feeling of having a new pair of headphones in the way for me! Now, speaking of bass, if you can get your ears on a Fostex T50RP with big leather pads (like ZMFs) and proper modding and/or EQing (I did the latter, sadly I don't have time for the former right now although I really want to) you'll be gladly pleased. This things have the best bass I've ever heard, both quantity and specially quality are definitely far above their price tag. My T-X0, before EQ and pad swapping, they were a no-no. They sounded odd and congested, mid-bass and low-mids were resonating all over the place, a really really bad tuning. Stock pads were itchy too, and the pleather-ish headband was too hard (I put a cheap $3 AliExpress wool headband cover, fixed). With ZMF Ori lambskin pads, comfort improved significantly: they feel great in your head, my ears fit right in, no discomfort at all during long sessions, breathable, they tick all the boxes. And the sound improved a bit too, larger distance between your ears and the driver usually mean bigger soundstage, and better isolation bumps up sub-bass a little bit which is nice. Now, the real game changer was EQ. I found a GitHub repo having 700+ EQ presets for lots of different headphones & IEMs mentioned here, and after adapting the base EQ to my ears & trying to match L/R channels for a perfectly balanced FR curve, I can definitely say these are my best all-rounders: deep, solid, beefy & textured bass, clear, warm and present mids, balanced, detailed & well extended treble. They won't offer the best soundstage since they're semi-open, but at the same time the mild isolation is great on a quiet office environment. Be prepared to amp them though, my D30->O2 setup can only power them to a high enough volume to slowly deafen you while closing your eyes and smiling, maxing all outputs and adjusting gain to prevent clipping.
Eli35Yeah! Hope you don’t mind all the notifications XD I also have the TH-X0, but mine is the Mark II version. Drop sent me one for review, it’s on the product page right now. I think they greatly improved the MkII compared to the first release (based on what I read), and it’s cool that they included different foam baffles as a sort of easy “modder’s starter kit.” I tried it with the two included pads (I agree the stock hybrid one is itchy, the pleather one is pretty nice though) and the full suite of Dekoni pads (their hybrid is deep like the ZMF, but soft and not itchy like the stock hybrids). Dekoni uses Sheepskin which is the same as lambskin (except the animal is older before being... harvested. Lambs are sheep that are under 1 year old), so I know what you’re saying about the deeper pads and better comfort. It’s been a long time since I had a ZMF... Zach sent me a loaner, which was my first experience of a T50RP variant, and I wrote a review of that on Head-Fi (it was entertaining to write, and add in some impressions from my buddy, Tin Ears ;).
Aug 29, 2019
EvshrugNotifications are the best, I enjoy reading all this experiences, experiments that went well or bad, lessons learned, and getting a bit of the experience of something I can't afford right now is the closest I'll get :') just for now!
Eli35LOL good to hear! I’m trying to save for my first house (making ok progress), and my wife looked at my headphone collection and said I’m “not allowed” to buy any more headphones. I take that to mean I can sell and buy though, and the TH-X0 mkII doesn’t really count because it was a review sample Drop didn’t ask me to return (though I’m keeping it in good condition in the meantime). Stuff still finds a way in through my door ;) For a cheap way to get a “different headphone” sound, trying foam baffles of different densities makes a surprising difference. The most time consuming part would be going shopping for said foams, but it really was interesting to mess around. I also saw some of the reviewers getting even more creative by taking their foam baffles and seeing what happens when they put them inside the earcups, behind the drivers. Reflections and resonances are audible, increasing SPL kind of like a horn, amphitheater, or shouting inside a room (or humming in a bathroom) versus outside on a big, open field. Also, the “voices” are doubled by reflection for a “bigger” sound, but because of a slight time delay they can mask some of the smallest details, including those that help clue in our brains about a larger sized recording room. I think that’s why The T50RP is more popular for its sound quality over the T40RP and T20RP: of the three, the T50RP is semi-open, so some of the air pressure is vented, and some reflections (especially the treble? It’s the most directional), but some bass is still reflected, allowing for the deeper bass extension. However, it’s just a general rule of thumb: I’ve read that the open Fostex has the MOST bass, probably for other reasons. Since this is an HE-400i thread, here’s a fun thing to try with these VERY open headphones with large drivers: Try cupping your hands, and holding them at different distances from the earcups! It’s almost weird how much the sound is affected, but also fun!
Aug 30, 2019
EvshrugA sure sign of HDGY Syndrome (Haven’t Discovered Girls Yet syndrome). Can be lethal if not treated immediately!
RayFMy wife hasn’t discovered girls yet?
Aug 30, 2019
EvshrugStranger things have happened...don't give her a reason ;- )
Sep 14, 2019
EvshrugSorry away from the subject If you have m50 6xx and 4xx. Would you pick the emu teak or the koss 95x ?
Mohannad13I’m glad to get off Ray’s subject... From other’s reviews, the consensus is: •The EMU Teak is a warm, fun, bass heavy headphone, one of the best (mostly) closed headphones under $1000. •The Koss ESP 95X is an airy, analytical, quick-transients (notes are very crisp without any bloat) analytical open-backed electrostatic headphone. You couldn’t have picked two headphones that were more polar opposites from eachother! I haven’t heard the Teak for myself (did get to borrow a Fostex TH-900 in my home for a few months) and I only had a brief session with the Koss (I got to listen to one for 3 hours while working on a computer), but I would love a chance to properly review them both. Personal preference will largely affect your choice, but both are very good!
Sep 14, 2019
EvshrugActually I like my 4xx more than the 6xx quite a lot. and some people say that the 95x have a similar tonality as the 6xx even they say the 6xx sounds better which I am not sure about that even if i didn't tried it . so during the 3 hours you listened to the 95x do you find it a huge improvement over the 6xx and 4xx ?
Mohannad13It’s an electrostat. Hyper-clarity is it’s thing. It comes with its own amp (“energizer”), but if some day you’re willing to get the cables re-terminated and upgrade your amp, it’s a top-of-the-line dynamic-killer in how it presents micro-detail and “neutrality.” It doesn’t have “rich” warm bass, but it does have tight bass texture and it reaches the very low notes. It’s also kinda cool how you can take it apart: a friend of mine recently showed me how it fit into his camera bag:

Sep 14, 2019
Evshrugso you think the emu teak will complement my headphones collection more than the 95x right ?
Sep 14, 2019
Mohannad13because from what you explain rolled off bass natural detailed we can say the same about the 6xx
Mohannad13Where did I say the Koss was rolled off? I said it reaches the very low notes (and has tight detail/texture). However, if you feel that bass is what you’re lacking from the HD 6XX, then yeah you would be happier with the EMU. I don’t know what kind of amp you’re using though, my HD 650 has plenty of bass unless I’m using an underpowered amp (or I have a friend over who wants way more bass than mids or treble). The HE-4XX and EMU are easier to drive than the HD 6XX or Koss ESP-95X (though the Koss comes with it’s own amp, which works pretty well).
Sep 15, 2019
EvshrugI have liquid spark as an amp and I dont think that I am a bass head, because i find the bass on 6xx is fine but the vocals on the 6xx is shouty not like the 4xx which the vocals is more relaxed so I am looking for a big improvement in sound over the 4xx . I have read a lot and as I read about the EMU teak it got very smooooth mids with excellent separation good amount of sound stage and unbeatable bass response , that's why I am thinking about the emu teak. the koss is not bass heavy headphone and that is not a problem for me , metal 571 said it's shouty in the mids and that's make a big problem for me , it's inferior to dust and moisture and that makes me wondering how many times that i am going to send it back to koss to be repaired? , it's not so wide their sound stage is just like 6xx maybe narrower. BUT! it got details and imaging that nothing can beat it is e-state headphone which it got that ethereal sound which nobody could explain what it is . Sorry for my long comment if you find any thing that I have understood wrong please clarify for me . and as improvement over the 4xx what do you prefer ? My budget is 500 USD NEW only many thanks
Mohannad13Hmm, I didn’t find the Koss to have a shouty midrange, but neither did I find the HD 650’s midrange to be shouty. Different shaped ears literally do amplify and make each of us hear differently though, so thanks for letting me know so I can get a better idea. I don’t have the same ears as Metal571 either, but he’s a good guy who genuinely puts effort into his reviews. Yes, I think the Teak would have smoother mids for you, and you would probably prefer it. The Teak and it’s brothers have some of the best soundstage and “open feeling” of any closed-back headphones (this is largely because they are vented and not fully sealed; the only closed back headphone I’ve heard that beats it is the HD 820, and that one manages that feat while being fully sealed!). I would like the Teak for myself one day.
Sep 16, 2019
EvshrugThanks i am going to get the teaks
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