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Sep 14, 2018
I have ESP-950 since Black Friday sale in 2016, were $650 at the time. I'm fond of the leather case and the battery pack, but what the heck! Frankly, I love them to death. My experience with them has been entirely (knock on wood...) squeal-free.
Only thing that comes short, relative to the dynamics I have or have listened to, is that they have more bass, and (huge for perception) much more bass distortion. Transients are to die for, but there is no 1-2% bass distortion, the harmonics we then perceive as bass.
Prompted by an engineer in the headfi forum, I looked for and found a "harmonic exciter" that I've added to foobar. Bleep the EQ, sounds to me like I'm listening to dynamics now, and have transients to die for at the same time. Go to headfi forum for more info. Look for my nym, or "exciter".
I added some Vesper Audio pads, and they are a big improvement over the skinny standard Koss pads. Sounds like the Massdrop change is a real improvement over stock - especially considering what I paid for my Alcantara/Red Leather bespoke pads!! Note, IMO, they didn't make much difference in the bass, but they got the things a little further away from my ears, which I like.
This has already generated buzz in the forum. Good luck with this, and hopefully they can clean up the mfg and consistently get rid of the squeal. That would be Marvelous!
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