My LCD-2C‘s sounded better (more full and resolving) than the ESP-950‘s I tired extensively at a small audio meet that I went to earlier this year. Just my two cents.
Athtelone of the reviews linked directly compared the LCD2s and ESP/950 after extensive listening and they writer loved both, but said the detail on the Koss was second to none and he was very impressed with them.
jm090Always remember that audio is subjective though. My experience is different than anyone’s here. To me my planars sounded better, to him it was the opposite and that’s okay, in the end it’s whatever floats your boat.
AthtelIs detail retrieval a subjective claim? I guess in certain ways its loosely subjective but audiophiles tend to agree with each other on detail retrieval from set to its almost universally accepted that the HD800S have better detail then the LCD2s. I am not saying you are wrong and i am right, just throwing it out there.
jm090I would imagine the HD 800S’s are more detailed than the LCD-2C’s. But I have yet to try them. I by no means am blessed with Golden Ears, In fact, I personally like my Grado SR 325e’s the most right now.
AthtelThey are amazing headphones, i am not surprised ;) i had the gold anniversary edition 325s and loved them. Grado's are possibly my favorite sound signature, but fatigue my ears and i listen for hours in a session so i ended up moving them.
jm090Nice! I usually don’t get fatigued by them but my liste sessions on them are only 2-3 hours. I used my LCD’s for longer sessions whe I wasn’t paying as much attention to the music. But I ended up selling them, so now I use my Fostex TH-610’s for “comfort listening“.