These headphones are absolutely phenomenal, and are in my opinion unbeatable for their price. I'm fairly picky when it comes to comfort factor, but these hit the spot really nice. They are incredibly lightweight, and provide an incredible amount of sound. I am no audiophile, but I can appreciate how these sound compared to the numerous amount of consumer headphones I own. IF I were to point out any cons, it's the carrying solution they provide with this drop. It is a small leather pouch that seals the headphones, but because of the way these headphones are built, a hard case (similar to what the standars Koss Porta Pro on Amazon come with) would probably help keep these stay in good condition for longer. Other than that, I'll be buying myself a second pair to have in hand for when these wear out in the long run!
stianklypeJust wanted to point out that the standard Porta Pros on Amazon do *not* come with the hard case. You have to get the limited edition $60 versions to get the hard case. Get the Massdrop ones with the better cable, get the hard case for $15, you're still saving $5.