Wow, a whole 8 prototypes, no expense spared! Shame all that R&D didn't extend to considering MMCX connectors, like the MEE PX earphones, and that the buffoons at Masscrap can't sort out duty pre-paid delivery, but they seem to have enormous difficulty simply setting the correct price, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised!
T.You should probably make your own web page for collective purchases, contact MEE audio, design your own IEM with them and buy it. If you do, let me know, so I can complain about something too.
I don't have a problem with the import duty, but I do object to paying an administration fee, more than the duty itself, because Massdrop are incapable of using a duty pre-paid delivery service. The complaints about shipping time and cost are of your invention; perhaps you're the one with the problem! I see they can't get the delivery dates right either, I guess I'll use an alternative merchant, I do deserve better.
T.Haha. I'm impressed that you do actually read and glad that we have found common ground. I would definitely prefer to remain an insulting a-hole than to be an entitled, whingey little b--ch (like you) any day, but I'm happy it works for you. Cheers!
MotorradYou don’t seem averse to perpetuating the thread yourself. At least I don’t troll on here incessantly like a saddo keyboard warrior with a rather worrying butt fixation.'re the one who was so sad and hurt by being wrong you had to crawl back. It was just eating at you that much... hahaha sounds more like the sad "keyboard warrior" to me. hahaha.
you're not fooling anyone, loser.
MotorradI don’t see how your puerile insults have refuted any of the criticisms I made of the product or Massdrop, but if it makes you happy, in between the laughing hyena impressions, to congratulate yourself on winning the argument you seem intent on turning this discussion in to, then fine. At the risk of disparaging your hobby, I’m not going to waste any more time arguing with strangers on the internet!
T.ah! There it is! You finally got that out, and it only took what, a month? Feel better? Man! That must feel better. Sometimes a good cry and admitting you're wrong is all it takes.
Did you give yourself the Thumb Up for using the word 'puerile' in a sentence? I would thumb it down for poor grammar, but all the kids deserve a trophy now.
I accept your surrender.