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Oct 5, 2018
Kindly provide ear pad measurements.. the smallish pads seemed inconvenient for some, but had the original sound.. As the iterations of the pads became bigger as complaints kept pouring in due to their size(there were two more size iterations I believe, last one was 48 by 64mm), the sound became worse, and Tyll (then the editor of Innerfidelity) was considering removing it from the Wall of Fame, forums like head-fi were filled with bad reviews.. I have medium ears so it shouldn't be a problem.. but I sincerely hope for the first iteration pads..
Oct 7, 2018
Proxy92As I've done more research the same question arose. When I read that the tuning hadn't changed it concerned me. I don't want a change to the sound but if the pad size is going to differ from the originals they really should be retuned to compensate.
Oct 7, 2018
PandoThe problem with new pads is not just the frequency response right?? The older Mezes seemed to be more engaging due to the driver being closer to your ear, and the resulting sound stage..
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